Dan, I know you like to think you know about football, but when a QB slides to his right in the pocket to avoid pressure and buy himself time, and his primary receiver dragging across the endzone (as per the play called) adjusts his route as he's been taught to do during numerous scramble drills in practice and both the QB and WR execute the remainder of the play as they've been taught to do under such circumstances, it's not a "busted play." A QB turning to his left to hand off the ball to a RB who passes him to his right, now that's a busted play. Reading and reacting to what the defense is doing and staying within the parameters of the play called---as Russell and Bowe did on that play---is not a busted play. Hope this helps.
Now that was a busted play, as Green and Mauck admitted to after that game. Green was not to run anything resembling the fly pattern he ran. Sky saw the safety on his side of the field lock in on Clayton who was running a route across the middle of the field, figured "What the hell", and kept going. Mauck, seeing Clayton blanketed, looks up to see...an unexpectedly wide-open #5 running free and he heaves it just as he's hit in the midsection. That's far more of an improvisation/broken play than what Russell and Bowe did on Saturday to win the game. Big difference.
tt, read the paper and the players said it was a busted play, Bowe said he told russell in the huddle that if he was double covered he was gonna keep running through the endzone and to look for him. I hate when Im right! lol
daily advertiser, plus Bowe told coach miles what play to call and miles forwarded the play to jimbo (dang im good) like it or not yall know im not bright
as usual now that i was right, busted play, nick saban, joe addai injury. all the flames i take no one comes back and admits it, the thread dies.
like it or not I am right and can you belive d. bowe called the play, hell tigers should save a couple of million dollars (run off miles and jimbo) let Kyle williams and D. bowe run the team (JamBo)