North Louisiana Monroe, Louisiana I am thinking about moving to Baton Rouge. If i did not have children I would.
This reminds me.... Back in '89 I was stationed in Iceland, and a buddy and I went to London for a week of leave. We visited Westminster Abbey, looking at all the king's graves and such, when what do I see at the entrance? An old fellow, probably in his late '60s wearing the brightest gold LSU jacket I have ever seen. Stylishly topped off with his purple cap. You never know where we'll turn up next!
Born and raised in Natchez, MS but a LSU Tiger fan since 1971. Now live in a remote location of West Central Louisiana far from any known civilization--Pitkin.
I was vacationing in Montana a few years ago. We were camping in the national Forest at a remote mountain campsite that you had to drive two hours on washboard roads with two washouts to reach. In the three days I camped there, ONE truck came down the road. They saw the LSU bumper sticker on my truck and stopped. You guessed it, a retired couple from Moreauville following the Lewis and Clark trail (they were lost, of course). I was out of Tony Chachere's and they gave me a film-can full.
I live in Spring, Texas which is a suburb of Houston. Just celebrated my 20th anniversary in Texas. Please don't hold it against me, but I was taken away from BR by Texas A&M, where I got an MBA. Living in Texas is great, except that I'm too far (294 miles) from Tiger Stadium! There are, undoubtedly, more LSU fans and alums in the Houston area than anywhere else outside Louisiana. I grew up in Baton Rouge - just off Highland Road. I've been a Tiger fan since December 1958 when I emerged from my mother's womb to celebrate the national championship with her! :geaux: