I am not a member of a lot of message boards, but I know there are some ticket exchange sites that welcome scalpers and some that don't. All I am asking, if this is a site for true fans, should we support scalpers making money off this site. There is a post as we speak for Tickets on the 40 yard line that has a nice staduim showing where the seats are located, and then soliciting offers for the seats so they can sell to the highest bidder. That is someone making a profit from a free fan site. To make it worst, they have an LSU on site e-mail address.
First, if someone is willing to pay, why does that piss you off? He's not going to sell it to your for face value just because you're pissed off. Second, according to the LOUISIANA scalpling law (there is no Federal law and the VAST majority of states allow scalping), you can add your "donation" on a pro-rata (i.e., per ticket) basis. Third, there are SO many ways to get around the scalping laws. The easiest way is to just include a "one of a kind" pencil with the purchase. So, scalping is too easy to beat.
You missed the point, I don't need the ticket. I just believe that a fan site should discourage the practice of scalping.
I do discourage it in the sense that scalpers are looking to make a profit and I don't allow advertising without permission. If someone is asking above face value I will remove it but I have to be notified about the exact thread.
Just becuase someone knows how to attach a jpeg image to a post on this forum doesn't make them a professional ticket broker. I just want people to be able to see where my seats are located. There is absolutely nothing illegal about asking for offers on a pair of seats. It would be illegal, however, if I were to solicit a per ticket price that is greater than face value. I have done this twice on this board and both times I quickly found a buyer for the tickets who was willing to pay FACE VALUE. This beats the hell out me parking a mile from the stadium, walking an equal distance, and negotiating with an endless number of people until I can find someone who'll pay full price. I have had to sell these same seats many times over the years for $10 of $15 each because people standing outside the stadium don't believe me when I tell them how great the seats are.
why is ticket scalping bad? what is wrong for selling something for more that you paid for it? isnt that the philosophy of 99% of the businesses in the world? items should sell for whatever price the market will bear. why do you want to be a communist with price controls?