You may be right, and NFL football may be at its peak in popularity and it may have nowhere to go but a slow downward trend, but in the 1990's, NFL football is the only major sport to continue to grow in TV ratings. Baseball, NBA BB, Pro Tennis, NHL Hockey all have seen their TV ratings decline. I feel sure that NASCAR has also seen an increase in TV ratings, although I can not speak positively on that. I have not seen anything on overall NCAA FB ratings during the same period. As a national sport, NFL football is probably the only one that continues to grow in popularity. I would think that even now most NCAA FB games attract mostly a regional audience, even when nationally televised.
quoted by Ralph Wiggum ____________________________________________________ From what I've read and heard the NFL has advantages over the college game if you want to focus only on football ____________________________________________________ It also has its disadvantages. You do have recruiting in the pro's but you do have help from GM's and other coaches. You have to keep track of free agency and the NFL draft. In the NFL you can have a winning record and still get fired because you don't make the playoffs. Look at Fassell and the Giants, Reeves with the Falcons, Broncos and Mike Shanahan. Look at the injuries that have totally wrecked the season for these teams and the coaches take the blame for this. Its because of free agency and salary cap, like I said above thiers more loyalty in college than pros. The perfect example is the employer, employee relationship in todays society. All these coaches have made it to the superbowl the last 5 or 6 years and have been fired or on the hot seat. Jimmy Johnson said this morning on fox, most coaches in the NFL make it to the playoffs less than 50% of the time with free agency and salary cap. Teams don't have the depth that they use to and coaches are getting axed because they don't have the depth to win with backups. At least in Nick's case he's better off staying in a winning situation vs going to the NFL and joining the coaching circus there. In the NFL, your only as good as your last season, it doesn't matter who you are. Look at Steve Spurrier for instance. Look at the coaches with the longest tenture in the NFL compared to college. A lot of these coaches, Shanahan and Coward, are now on the hot seat. You know what coaching in the NFL means today? Not For Very Long............................................................... Most coaches like Parcels and Vermeil are successful but they come and go because of the pressures and the problems with the NFL.
Some of what I said was opinion maybe the super bowl is the greatest coaching goal, I'm not a coach so it was just my opinion. I may be a redneck or coonass or whatever you think I am but the NASCAR fan has MORE MONEY than the average NFL fan. The sport seems to attract more of the female gender is one reason. these facts are well documented. I don't know the exact figures that NASCAR generates but I think you would be suprised to find out how close these two are. I am also aware of the advertised dollars the super bowl generates and I honestly think it is amazing. Hey I'm not even a big NASCAR fan but I can read. Personally, I'd as soon watch a Pro game as a NASCAR race. The type of racing I do doesn't require oval banks or staggered tires. but then again I'm just a dumb ass redneck. Hey have a Merry Christmas!
LOL...jcrack_corn is pulling numbers out of thin air and trying to run with them! LSU and OU will get paid 34 million combined, and generate who knows how many untold millions in advertising and residual advertising dollars. Matter of fact, jcrack, to prove you need a drug intervention and a few Dr. Phil episodes, I'll now QUOTE from the fanguide that's included in my Sugar Bowl Ticket packaging... Page 72..."Recent studies conducted by Dr. Timothy P. Ryan, dean of the University of New Orleans College of Business Administation, showed the Bowl has an annual impact of more than $175 million for the local economy, including nearly $17 million in state and local tax revenue...the Bowl brings to the city each year." Another interesting passage....again, reading from Page 72... "To put these numbers in perspective, consider that the NFL's Super Bowl, which comes to the city once every five years on average, has an economic impact of approximately $350-400 million. Over that same five-year period, the Sugar Bowl generates $750 million for the city and state while keeping New Orleans squarely in the national spotlight on an annual basis by bringing National Championship Games, Heisman Trophy winners and the likes to New Orleans." Care to admit just what a dumbass you're looking like right now, or will you let this post and your silence speak for you? ;-)
I think we can agree that similar economic impacts are felt in Pasadena, Tempe, and Miami... That works out to about what...$750 million dollars EACH YEAR alone by the BCS bowls? Going back and using your stats (which are obviously under-reported in regards to college football bowl season and obviously over-inflated for the Super Bowl)... To add $100 million from the "other bowls" that brings bowls economic impact to around $850 MILLION Dollars, to $750 MILLION by the Super Bowl... So, in other words, the Super Bowl at LEAST comes up a few hundred million-or the GDP of a few small third world countries-shy of Bowl Season, or collegiate football. I won't even discuss your statment about how NASCAR isn't a national sport...Nevermind the Super Speedways built in California, Michigan, Texas, Vegas, and the plans for LA, NY, etc... Sports Illustrated put NASCAR on the cover and declared it "The New National Pastime"... This was-of course-back in 1994...Guess you're about 9 years slow on the uptake, as well as being totally stupid when it comes to spouting off on a board and thinking people here won't call you out on your ridiculous number crunching and pulling dollar signs out of thin air... Go back to your hole...We have no more time to waste with you, Jcrack...
I'm guessing jcrack_corn is absent from the site because of Christmas... I can't wait till he see this one...