Thoughts on illegal immigration?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by DarkHornet, Nov 10, 2004.


Should illegal immigrants be given legal status?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    25 vote(s)
  1. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I won't, but I don't want to pay for it either. The government shouldn't have to subsidize people who are unable to speak the language. I could care less if its what they speak - but they need to be able to speak English in order to get a job that requires them to talk to me, or get a drivers license, or street signs etc.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    but we as a society have agreed that we are gonna pay tax dollars to educate children for the workplace. if the most convenient language is english, then fine. if it isnt, then thats ok too. as far as adults go, if they cant speak english, thats too bad for them, but they do not necessarily need to speak english to make a living in america. i know people who do not speak english. i speak to them in the little bit of spanish i know. they have terrible jobs, but who am i to tell them what to speak? i do not feel like our government needs to "require" anyone to learn any language, or anything at all really. the free market will work that out. if spanish speakers cant get jobs that pay real money, too bad for them. regulations are bad. requirements are bad.

    we could be like our friend bush and just learn spanish to talk to our latino amigos.

    i dont find it to be that oppressive that my tax dollars go to write other languages on street signs or whatever. my presidential ballot had spanish on it also. i dont mind. i am glad my neighbors can understand what it says i doubt it was very expensive to print them that way.

    i welcome people to speak whatever language they like. and like i said, there is no official language in the united states. we just happen to speak english.
  3. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    It goes way beyond just illegal immigrants, although they are a major problem in states such as TX and AZ. However, here is a story in Time that states Al Quada wants to smuggle nukes into Mexico and smuggle it through our porous ass border. Lets keep ignoring this issue for the good of US-Mexico and Republican-Latino relationships :dis:
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    True, but not illegals.

    There are big farms in the Red River valley in Louisiana that can no longer count on local help to plant, cultivate, and harvest the crops. The former rural blacks that once did this work, now have high school and college educations and can get better work in the city.

    So, legal Mexican guest workers are doing the jobs. Every spring when the fields dry out, they come up from Mexico and man the tractors until harvest time. They stay in trailers provided by their employers, work hard, pay taxes, and save their money. After harvest, they collect their pay, go to Walmart and load up their vehicles with bicycles and TV's and other Christmas presents and return to Mexico where they live like kings with their families all winter.

    This is a no-lose situation. The farmers get their crops in. Poor Mexicans get to make high US wages in jobs that the locals don't want. US taxes get paid. The Mexicans return to live in their own country, don't have to bring their families over illegally, bring badly needed money into the Mexican economy, and don't become a burden on US welfare.

    We need more legal guest worker permits to meet the legitimate needs of the US and Mexico and we must ruthlessly deny illegal aliens any privileges or rights in this country. Illegals don't pay taxes, they commit crimes to make ends meet, and if they find an illegal job, they then work to bring their families over creating more problems.

    We should stop the practice of just letting captured illegals go home with no penalty. They always keep trying and eventually they get past the border patrol. I say make them pick up trash on the highways in a chain gang or pick lettuce and oranges without pay for a year, then send them back. That might provide some discouragement to illegal entry and encourage them to seek legal worker status.

    We also need to start convicting Americans who hire the illegal aliens. This is the source of the problem. It would stop very fast if people went to jail instead of making big profits off of illegal labor.
  5. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    I voted no, but would vote yes if we only let the hot mexician chics in.
  6. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I was only joking. The big poultry companies here haul them in by the bus load. They'll rent them 20 - 30 year old mobile homes the companies own, charge them about $200 - $300 each for rent and utilities and put 7 or 8 of them per trailer. Every so often the FBI and immigration will go in and raid a plant and haul off a bunch of them. I won't name any names, but Bill Clinton's buddies up in Arkansas come to mind; the same guys that took Mike Espy to the Super Bowl and got him axed as Commissioner of Agriculture. And around here there are enough uneducated people to do the jobs, but they had rather sit at home and draw a check than do it. One company used to even run buses over into Alabama every day to take workers back and forth (blacks). You also have a good number of whites that are in the same situation around here, so it isn't all about race.

    I guess in fairness I should also add that these poultry companies treat their hourly employees like sh!t, and the working conditions are terrible, which also contributes to their inability to hire and retain American employess.

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