M'Lady, I share you're disappointment. This reminds me of a situation back in 86 when my sister was a night clerk at a hotel the Tigers were staying at in NO prior to the Sugar Bowl. Every night she came to work she wore purple and gold. She got to chat with quite a few of the players (she was a "fetching" little thing back then), at any rate she almost got all the players autographs. The evening before the game Bill Arnsparger came down to the lobby and got some coffee and chit chatted with her for a few minutes. After telling him she was from Ascension parish and how much she loved "her" Tigers, he asked if she was going to the game. She told him she wanted to badly but, she couldn't afford it. He did sign an autograph for her and went back to his room. About an hour later an one of the other coaches came down and gave her 4 tickets to the "Sugar Bowl"! Little note hear, she had brought a football with her and got most of the Tigers to autograph it plus coach. Its still on my Mom's mantle back home. Isn't football wonderful!!! BTW, good looking young man there, Probably grow up to be a future Tiger QB, I bet!! :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
That is a great story, I am really just thrilled for my son. I think my son in law wants my grandson to be a kicker, and because my son in law is left handed, he wants my grandson to be a left footed kicker. And of course he wants him to play for :helmet:
I understand about your son's situation. I'd be happy for him too. Had it been one of my kids, I think I'd still have to smack them on the head for being so lucky...LOL Its gonna be a good game.
My grandson is doing great, thanks for asking. But he didn't get the tickets, my daughter in law did. And the funny thing about that is, she never cared about football until her and my son started dating. And then that was it. She loves :helmet: . She told me the other day that she has been wearing a "Beat Bama" button all week to work, people have been giving her fits about it too. Remember she lives in Hoover, so there are tons of Bama fans there. They are very excited about getting the tickets, I don't know if I could have slept last night, but I know there is no way on God's green earth I could go to work today, I would have to quit or be sick or something. We won't have to worry about him yelling though, he gets it honest, he has seen me in action so he knows what to do. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: