This LSU team really has no other significant leaders besides Davis

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    You can only blame the coaches so much. Shooting 35% from the field is not the coaches fault. You all can say what positions we need, but really no team has all the positions that they really need. That's what makes college basketball great. If our guys just get their shooting stroke on and continue to play hard defense we will be get much better.
  2. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    He's tried. That's always been his one flaw in recruiting. The closest thing he's had to a highly ranked PG recruit is Torris Bright (who actually wasn't that bad) and Tack (we know all about that one). See my post in a previous thread for all of the ones he's missed out on. And, recently, he was "in" on Scottie Reynolds and DJ Augustin but couldn't convert.... ARGH.

    But, here's the rub... there's a chicken and the egg problem. Brady's never had an ultra talented PG, so he's always run a set offense, with a fairly conservative PG role, and forward dominated line-ups. The PG is supposed to not turn the ball over, pass it to the big man and wings, and play good defense. Thus, you have had guys historically in John's programs like Xavier Whipple, Ben Voogd, and Garrett Temple. Brady could really open up the offense with a guy like DJ Augustin or Scottie Reynolds, and give them more offensive control, but it's almost like the recruits don't see LSU as having that kind of offense. So, hence, you've got guys like Temple, who I respect now a ton, but aren't classic point guards... The first chance Brady will have to change this might be with Tommy Mason-Griffin a nice '09 early commitment at PG. But, I do think that Butch and John need to spend some good time finding some more guards in '08. Problem is they chose a bad game to play in front of Willie Warren, a 5 star PG/SG who watched this game. :sob:

  3. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Look, I hear you... in many seasons of the past, I would have said the same thing--and I realize that LSU has won seven of the last eight against the 'Hogs, when almost noone else in the SEC has. I just had to vent after this game, b/c I watched the game and found it disheartening. I realize everyone's got a bad game to get out of their system, but I really think Brady's got to try a little harder this season. I almost think him and the team think they should be in cruise control. I'm not saying replace the coach--I've been a Brady supporter all of these years. I'm saying the entire coaching staff needs to take a moment and really put their brain matter together on this one--preaching defense and rebounding is building a nice foundation, but there's more to coaching than that. Large losses on the road, when they actually have a fairly talented team, is indicative of some coaching deficiencies. If we had lost by 5 points, I wouldn't have been venting like this. I also stomached a pretty bad loss at Washington, which I thought was ok, given it was a far trip, Romar is a good coach, and Washington has All-American recruits on their team. The Hogs are a good, but not as good a team as they looked today.
  4. WestCoastTiger

    WestCoastTiger Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2003
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    If watching LSU wasn't disheartening enough the team that blew us out (Washington was destroyed by over 25 pts tonight)
  5. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Reading this thread, you guys make me happy I'm NOT a big basketball fan. :redface:

  6. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    It doesn't change no matter what sport. If we lose it's the end of the program as we know it. They'll be wanting to fire Les again in a few months.
  7. medtiger

    medtiger Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    This coming from a guy who apparently wants to fire the president. One of the most disrespectful things I've seen.
  8. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    You just described John Brady's tenure here at LSU. Added that we turn the ball over TOO many times by playing extremly sloppy. Seems that's LSU's MO every year. Ive never seen a team that commits as many charging fouls as we do. LSU was VERY overrated coming into this season. The abscence of Tyrus Thomas is huge.
  9. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    :thumb: The funny thing is I'm a HUGE basketball fan. And, I'm also a Saints fan, and a Tiger's football fan. Up until 2003, that was the call of the LSU Tiger fan. Frustrating, but fun. :rofl:

    I actually still have faith in Brady et al. We've got some decent players, and the issue right now is chemistry and Big Baby learning to play with others, and others learning to play without DM and Tyrus. It's a tough grind it out year in the SEC with a good number of teams jockeying for what should be a decent number of NCAA bids. So, expect a long, up and down season, with enough wins hopefully in the dance to get a top 5 or 6 seed in a bracket. Then, anything can happen.

    Welcome to college hoops... (unless you're UNC or Florida or a handful of other teams this year). :lol:
  10. SJS101

    SJS101 Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Is it just me or does is seem that especially this year in the SEC, a road victory is becoming nearly impossible. You have to hold down your home court and MAYBE steal one on the road. I do think Brady's Tigers are overrated this year. We are probably only a top 25 team if we played them all at home. But just my opinion. And even at home we are falling behind early by 10-15 points and having to battle back. We have too many players standing around watching the action on defense (especially Martin) and not rebounding. Consequently, I notice we give up WAY too many easy putbacks. Defensively we seem to play matador type defense and give up too many uncontested lay-ups. At times we look lost on the court this year. We have a lot of improvement to do in order to be competetive in the conference and hopefully a factor in March.

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