Hey, "SNIFF" ... newsflash! Irregardless of K-state's 35-7 rout over Overrated OK ... White can't handle pressure defense & the OK win over SEC WEST foe Alabama does not impress. OK faces good defensive Teams ... Texas' dee is a joke ... and they have trouble. Go fix the flat on your home ... and before you leave ... get a shovel and a wheelbarrow and take your "realistic unbiased" OKLA horseshit with you. Screw you and the Oklahoma poney you limped in on.
The key will be the offensive line. When the running game clicks and Mauck has time to throw, LSU's offense is unstopable. Oklahoma has a great D-line, although not as good as LSU's. On the other hand LSU has so many weapons I can't see anybody shutting us down the whole game. Because of our speed at wide receiver we should be able to spread them out and open up some lanes to run through. The defense should contain OU enough for the offense to break some big ones like KSU did.
I'll play that game too: OLine - Push DLine - LSU QB - Push wide outs - Push running backs - LSU linebackers - OU secondary - Push coaching - Push home field adv. - LSU Notes: I think all of these categories are real close (except for maybe RB and home field adv.). Running game is the deciding factor. LSU will be able to run, and OU won't. This facilitates LSU's passing game, and places Jason White in obvious passing situations, which will be his demise. I would have said OU on the QB, but Mauck's ability to avoid a rush and be a double threat running with it compensates for the edge White has in a pure passing game. Additionally White is not mobile enough to avoid what will be coming at him.
We better prepare for the hot receiver and quick release by white! RB out of the back field in the middle for a pass kills us.
How can you call coaching a push? Stoops is the winningest new coach in college football history, and has a nat'l title and 2 of 3 big 12 titles. he is 12 and 1 vs. teams in the top ten. what has saban done that makes you think he is worthy of that??? sorry, not the case.