Astonishingly, In this case 123 is right. As far as government expenditures, entitlement means government expenses that must be paid in all circumstances, not a thing that an individual is entitled to. But you are right in that not everyone is entitled to social security benefits. You have to have worked and paid taxes for 40 quarters for basic eligibility and for a lot longer to get the maximum payment. I will not receive social security. Having a government pension, I never paid into social security and I have no basic eligibility. I am eligible based on taxes paid for small businesses I own, but due to the WEP law, my SS benefit is reduced by the amount of my pension, which is larger than the maximum SS benefit. In effect, I will never draw any social security payments despite over 40 quarters of contributions.
living in north carolina, at least in the last election and this one upcoming, actually my vote does count. you being in new york means that your vote likely does not count, just like liberals in texas don't count. you are right, you have the right to stay at home and do whatever you want and no one can make you do otherwise. that said, you sound like a spoiled brat.
And how many jobs would a GM/Chrysler failure cost the economy? It is one thing to talk the talk, but another to walk the walk. I love when someone tells me I'm wrong when they have no clue what they are talking about. Listen bro, the governmental definition of an entitlement means something specific. An entitlement is an expenditure the goverment is required by law to make. Social Security is an entitlement because the SSA requires the government to issue the checks to qualified beneficiaries. You pay into Medicare, another entitlement, as well. People on Wellfare don't pay in, and it is not an entitlement. I'm glad I could learn you something. Dude, those rich guys you want to tax so badly are already shouldering a larger piece of the tax burden than they receive of the income pie. I have posted the CBO numbers a dozen times, and you and red never look at them. They earn something like 28% of the income and pay 38% of the income taxes. On what planet is that not paying their fair share? Lets do this instead... not raise taxes on anyone. Better plan. Noone is punished. In fact let's cut them for everyone that actually pays them.
this is a very self-righteous position that assumes people are like sheep being led to slaughter just because you personally do not approve of the way things are going.
ehh. maybe. adult women lol. adult men for the most part do not lol. my friends never lol. i have one adult male friend that lls but english is not his first language and he doesnt know better
3.5 - 5 million yes, they issue checks to beneficiaries who paid into the system their whole lives. how is this big government? welfare is another thing completely and one that I do not support. welfare is a handout, social security is money that I paid into a system that I will get back when I retire. two totally separate things. Have you not been listening? I have not advocated that only the rich pay more. What I said was after we make cuts to defense and medicare, let's spread the tax burden evenly among the electorate to make up the difference. We cannot balance the budget with spending cuts alone. further, why are you carrying water for the rich? are you rich? and how do you propose to reduce the deficit and debt by doing this? I can't wait to hear this one....