This is what we can expect.

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Gyver, this is pathetic and lazy. The article you cited was from last year. Further, it talks about things that were supposed to happen last year but none of those things actually happened. In fact, since the auto bailout GM has been bringing ANY outsourced jobs back to the US. All of the IT call centers that were overseas have been brought home.

    Nice try. It is very obvious that you go to yahoo and type in "GM Outsourcing US jobs" into the search and click on the first link that looks like it fits your argument.
  2. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I made it,and clearly. You are a hypocrite. You said I was so far off the right end I couldn't see center, then cried when I said you were so far left you couldn't see center. So again, to be clear, you are a huge hypocrite. You get it that time? It was the same thing I said in the other post. Ya know, about you being a hypocrite?

    Your reading comprehension is very poor today. I made no comparrison to Nazi Germany. I said being a mainstream thinker is not a virtue. In fact it can be very very bad as it was in Gernmany.

    What I want is drastic spending cuts, real entitlement reforms, and a sustainable fiscal future. You want to tax rich people. I want something that will produce necessary results, while you want to punish success. You want the type of system that is bankrupting every power in Europe, and you want it while telling me my philosophy is bad. Give me a break hoss. No one with a brain is buying it.

    Again, compromise is good when it is good and bad when it is bad. The Connecticut Virginia Compromise was awesome. The left wing compromising with the less left wing that produced Obamacare was bad. Compromise is virtuous.

    I don't have a side bro. I'm not voting this time around because both candidates are so terrible (though Romney is marginally less terrible).

    And, I bet you were saying that in 2010
    tirk likes this.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    How am I a hypocrite? I have voted for both parties: voted for Obama in 2008 (Obama better than McCain), GWB in 2004 (Begrudgingly but Kerry was never really an option), GWB in 2000, Clinton in 1996 (should have voted for him in '92 also), Bush in 1992. How does this make me left wing? Please explain.

    You made the Nazi reference, not me. Of course the "mainstream" could be bad if you are using Nazi Germany as your reference but this isn't Nazi Germany and the Republicans are far out of the mainstream of American society.

    You are putting words in my mouth. I never said any such thing. In fact, I challenge you to look back at some of previous posts because you will see that your assumptions about me are incorrect. I too favor making sensible cuts to defense spending and medicare. Social Security is not an entitlement: you and I and every one else who has a job pays into social security. if you do not pay into social security then you are not eligible to receive benefits. Social Security has a bad name but in all actuality, Social Security is perfectly solvent. The problem is that our politicians of both parties keep raiding the social security trust fund to finance their pet projects, wars, etc. I do not want to blindly tax rich people. Hell, I am one of them. I have been benefitting from the Bush Tax Cuts to a handsome tune but I understand that in order to bring our fiscal house in order there will have to be sacrifices across the board and I am willing to do my part. Further, I believe taxes should be raised across the board so we are all feeling it a little instead of any one group getting nailed. That said, tax increases on the middle class and poor should not be raised until the unemployment issue is resolved. I also believe that we need a budget......and it needs to be balanced. In fact, I would like a law that required the congress to balance the budget every year unless we are at war (congressionally approved war) or in the throws of an economic crisis that requries emergency action, which shouldn't ever be necessary if we balance the budget every year. All of this said, your philosophy of slashing spending without at least entertaining the idea of smart and temporary tax increases is not a good economic philosophy.


    I would implore you to reconsider not voting. Regardless of how you vote, please vote. I am a veteran and I hate to hear people saying they just won't vote because the candidates aren't what you like. All bull shit aside, go vote my friend.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The US government OWNS 500 million shares in GM.

    You outline why this is good and I will shut up.

    Never said you were radical, only a sheep following the heard.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Why do you want people to vote?
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I have outlined why the bailout was good in exhausting fashion. Currently about half of the funds loaned to the auto makers has been repaid with interest. The loan was set to be paid back by 2037 when originally loaned out but the auto makers have rebounded so well that they have started repaying their debt already. chrysler has already repaid all of the money they were loaned thru the managed bankruptcy and GM has repaid roughly 1/3 of theirs. The loans are on track to be repaid, with interest, 20 years earlier than originally laid out. In the mean time a lot of people got to keep their jobs, our economy didn't suffer further because of the failure of the auto companies and the American made auto brands are alive and well. As I have said time after time, in any other circumstance I would not have supported such an action by the government but it was essentially our only option at the time.

    It appears that the sheep are those who are jumping on the bandwagon that this bailout was terrible. The unpopular position is to state the truth: the bailout worked, ugly as it may have been, it effectively saved our economy from tanking.
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    because not voting is a cop out. even if you write-in a candidate or vote for someone who will never win, it is our responsibility as citizens to cast our votes. we currently get about 50% of registered voters who actually get out and vote. every election I always wonder if the outcomes would have been different if more people were engaged politically, or at least gave a fuck enough to get out and vote.

    funny to me that people will get on a political forum and hotly debate issues but will not exercise their right to vote......when it actually matters. it's a free country so everyone has the right to do as they please but voting should be something we all want to do. perhaps our political system wouldn't be so jacked if more people were paying attention and voting accordingly.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    It is a lie that our economy was dependent on GM. I have shown you the false in that theory based off assumption.

    You are a sheep that follows that path.
  9. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    You coming here and espousing left wing ideals makes you left wing.

    So you agree that your point about right wing ideals not being mainsteam was not a good one?

    That does not make it not an entitlement. Social Security is exactly the definition of entitilement. That is, an expenditure, that by law, the government is required to make.

    No one has proposed raising taxes on the poor and middle class. I know the Brookins Institute said Mitt Romney is going to, but they are dumb.

    Buddy, I'm not going to waste a fraction of my day off voting for either of these candidates. Obama is terrible, and I don't like Mitt. Besides all of Louisiana's electorl votes are decided. For you I will do a write in with strict instructions to my postman to deliver it to the Commisioner of Elections so my voice can be heard.
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Okay Pride, you just keep believing that. You have shown nothing, absolutely nothing at all.

    Ever heard the term "a sheep in wolf's clothing"?

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