If Bass is the only player you see out there with talent, then you either haven't been paying attention, or you already had your mind made up that you weren't going to give any of these other kids their props. The original point of my post is to point out that it's unrealistic to expect a team comprised of four freshmen and a sophomore to reach the levels that our football and baseball programs have, and that given those circumstances, 18-9 is a pretty damn good mark. I'm not in any way saying that they shouldn't improve on that, but damn, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk. BTW, before you get so all high and mighty about what you consider a "good" football season...were you here for the 6 years of Archer-Hallman? For the last 2 years of DiNardo? Let me tell you something...13-1 and a NC is a GIFT to us fans, buddy...it's not something we're entitled to, nor should we take it for granted.
Re: Who are they...... Where did you hear me say that with 4 freshmen and a sophomore in the starting lineup, we shouldn't expect improvement over the next year or two? Point it out to me. I want to see it. If you'll go back and re-read my original post, the comparison was with regards to the football and baseball programs, and the expectations the fans should have, given the circumstances. And I'm sorry, but the way some of the people around here talk, 32-0 with 4 freshmen and a sophomore is the only way Brady should be allowed to keep his job...and that might not be good enough for some of you.
Let's see, I said I would reserve judgement on the freshman untill I see them actually play good over the course of several games, how in the heck did you get me not saying I haven't seen any talent. I said that I haven't seen much from any of the frshmen except for Bass. Now if you think that Minor scoring 7 points a game on 36% shooting, Koundjia 4 ppg on 37%, Nelter .8 ppg on 33% and Lazarre 2.8 ppg on 58% is having proven that they are very good then you are crazy. Like I said, I will wait to see if they are good as in when they are all playing a lot and have matured somewhat. Would you rather I had said that they were going to be good or great players in the future just because they hyped to be that good. I'm sorry but I just don't "hype" the hype. I'll wait to they prove it on the court. And I know that 13-1 in Football was a great season and isn't going to be the norm. But I also know that 7-4 and 8-5 will not be an acceptable norm either, acceptable for us or Bertman or Emmert or Saban, especially Saban. Seems you are so thankfull that we have a team you don't really care what the record is. And by the way, I have been a Tiger fan for 45 years and their were many a year where I thought 7-4 or 8-3, etc were good years and a few where I thought we underachieved with that record, especially when we won OOC games against inferior competition and split the SEC schedule. Everyone one who thinks we should be better in basketball gets Dumbardo and Hallman thrown in our faces. God, if they are the standard that you want to use to compare coaches too then your expectations are low, very low. Why not use Charlie Mac at least. If we keep winning at a 65% to 75% in basketball with the OOC teams we are playing then that is not good IMO. And if were to win at that clip in football on an average it would not be good either.
The point GMAN is making is to not be so critical of this season. Quit thinking in the short-run. 2 years from today we will be competing for an SEC title and probably a 1-2-3 or 4 seed in the tourney. Think about this line-up: Tasmin Mitch, DMitch, Glen Big Baby Davis, BBass, and Tac Minor with Nelter, Lazare, Koundjia, and Garrett Temple coming off the bench. That's 5 SOLID starters and 4 dependable reserves. I really like our team right now and the future of the program. Most Brady Bashers can't see this. We can't expect to come in an be world beaters after losing 3 great seniors. 4 or 5 freshmen get significant PT. Almost every expert publication predicted us to make the NIT or not even that. I say we are in damn good position to make the tourney and give our youth some great experience for a very bright future.
Two points... You are using the excuse of being inexperienced as to why we aren't doing as well as we would like. Why didn't we do any better last year with such an experienced team? Could it be that experience really isn't the issue with a Brady coached team? Secondly, you are assuming that all of those players you mentioned will still be on this team. Whether you hold Brady accountable or not for all the defections isn't the issue here ... it's the fact that he averages 2 players leaving the program every year. So if history holds true, 4 players won't be here in 2 years ...
LSustudent, I was saying we were having a bad year or anyhting like that. What I said was that I am not convinced that any of these guys are going to be good yet accept for Bass, the others simply have not shown that they are good yet. And as for Davis and Mitchell, I am not about to think they are good, they're not even on the team yet and Davis will have to lose a little weight in order to be a good player IMO ,but he does have good tools from the film I've seen of him. And as far as Mitchell is concerned, he may be in the NBA without ever going to LSU if he keeps getting better. And I hope we wouldn't have to wait 2 more years to get 5 quality starters on the floor, hopefully at least 2 of these other guys will pan out and become good SEC players.