my goodness Dude. We are not brady bashers. Well I'm not one. I just think we can do better. I think the coaching staff can recruit better players. I think we can run a better offense. Crawfish let me guess. Did you play basketball??? LOL. Ok, look at the talent we have. Yes we have talent now, but they can't score more than 10 points in a half. They lose to lowly Houston, etc. etc. We have a decent team. We're not good right now. We have to continue recruiting top players. We had a great class last year. This year we have one great recruit coming in. We lose to many kids who transfer, quitting, etc. We just want the best for LSU. Not just basketball.
Re: my goodness at least be knowledgeable in your argument. to say we are decent but not good in arguably the best conference yet currently 2nd in the West is not arguable. we are in 2nd. no we are not dominant in any way. hardly any teams are. could we be better? of course. If we were 4-10 then i would say we were not good. I agree the attrition rate is something of a major concern regardless of where the fault lies. The head coach is definitely responsible for it in the end. I think one major problem LSU basketball has is the fan base. LSU does not support basketball unless its in the national spotlight for its brief periods in time. Shaqs and CJs come once in a lifetime and w/o that novelty, we truly aren't basketball fans we think we are. Sure, we have emotional discussions on the internet and claim to know what is best and where we stand when in reality our opinions are shallow and narrow and definitely skewed. Bottom line is w/o some new big name coach or players to give our so called basketball fans a novelty to see and talk about then most people aren't really that interested no matter what you hear or claim. So fire Brady and bring in some name 'you' deem better and the team is a sub .500 team for the next 4 years.... then what. at least the guy you didn't like was fired. brady knows basketball....anyone who watched Dale Brown in his huddles during t.o.'s can see its night and day between the two. however, that's not all it takes to be a successful coach....too bad we can't combine the strengths of brady and brown to make one coach then i think we would have it all. Is Brady the answer to make LSU a national contender? I'm not sure but I do think he knows how to coach and I sure am not ready to give that up. I think most just hate him as a person and are blinded by that to make him out to be a bad coach with a bad team which makes a lot of LSU followers find themselves feel like they are defending brady because of it and in turn, get labeled as a brady supporter.
I support him I support Brady, but I think he can be a better game manager, a better recruiter, a better coach.
Tirk I don't know what you see in the huddle but I see players tuning him out all over the place. Walking back down the floor, they turn the heads away as he screams the F bomb at them the whole game. If we can't defend 10 in-bounds plays against Kentucky where they scored without dribbling, after 26 games then they are poorly coached.......bottom line.
Re: Tirk I'm trying to think the last time Brady really laid into a player on the floor. I know yesterday in the second half he was up coaching his ass off, but not yelling at the players. Maybe you are in the huddles but from what I see none of this is happening. I think it's the kinder, gentler Brady that has been around most of the year, not the angry Brady of the past.
Re: Correct Tony Gipson, JuMichael Young, Spencer Ford...Where are they now? What basketball heights have they reached since quitting LSU? Shawson Johnson? He led his North Texas team to a 13-14 record and a 6th seed in the Sun Belt Conference Tournament. I really don't think we need to worry about what could have been with those plugs.
Fair or not, some of the criticism Brady and the program as a whole is burdened with is because, of the 3 major sports, 1 team ended the season #1, the other is currently #1. No fun being the "red headed step child" of the big 3 at a major university, esp. when you're on the cusp of a 20 -win season, but it is what it is.
The same people that "Bash Brady" are the same people that will want Lavals head on a platter if he dosen't win Omaha, the same people that when ole ST Nick drops a game or 2 next year that , will say that he got the money and now he has let up on "our" championship dreams, the ones with I love Curllly bumper stickers, And thought after Dinardo won a few games that Dean had made an exelent choice. It dosen't matter what LSU does it will never be enough, NEVER. LSU could score everytime they touch the ball and the other team never move the ball at all, not single inch and the score could be a 100 to nothing aganist whoever, it would not be enough for these people. I am not crazy about JohnBrady or his basketball system "but" HE IS WINNING AT THE PRESENT TIME. He will not and should not lose his job for winning . Is he winning pretty? No. Is winning Big ?no.