I would concede that there are some sweet pits with good owners. But I would never be one of them nor trust one of them
I've heard too many stories of sweet pit family dogs mauling the toddler in the house. No thanks. As to the chows, I was walking my Rott years ago ( I inherited him at the start of the first Gulf war when my old roommate went to fight). He and I had won a couple of obedience trials. Anyway, as he was trained to do, we got to a corner and he sat. A chow came from across the street and attacked him. Mid fight, I called Zeus off and he released. I put the chow in a choke hold...shoulda killed it but the owner came running over. I had a pretty good gash in my arm where the chow bit me as I was pulling him off of Zeus. Shoulda made them put that purple tongued fucker down.
I've never met a boxer that wasn't more goofy than @lsutiga biggest clowns in a dog suit you will ever find. I've had a chow, he was protective AF but never really hurt anyone. Huskies are pretty cool too. As for Rots, meh maybe so. Pretty intimidating but some good some bad. I've only actually met a couple Ridgebacks in my life and they were both cool af even though they are bred to like kill Tigers and shit. I'm with @CajunlostinCali it is all in how you raise the dog. Someone here had a great quote a while back about chihuahuas and said if they had the size of a pit they actually would have to exterminate the breed. Angry little bastards.
My sisters was the spawn of satan. I was in Korea and it bit my son on his stomach, he had a horseshoe that went to almost to his belly button on the front and same on his back. I called her from Korea to let her know I was going to run a 2016 with broad tip right through its chest as soon as I got home. I didn't have to though because my cousin got it with a 34oz Easton before I could make it back.
Don't buy that shit, its what he says when the fag doesn't want to answer his god damned phone. Fuck it took him a year and half to actually get one that works and he still won't answer it.