agreed. he's such a douche that he made people forget what a douche David Blaine is! I have no idea how Criss pulls that wool in.
I didn't even know he was 'rated' high enough to be overrated. Or was that the point? Don't get me wrong, he's far from my favorite person in the world, but how is he a poser? I've only seen his show a couple of times and I do wonder how in the hell he does some of the sh!t he does, but I really don't know anything about him and was curious of what he did/does that make you guys feel that way.
This is a loaded question which, if I answered properly can and will be used against me in another thread. :redface: I say he goes completely out of his way to paint a picture of who he is not! Outside of his skill set, his bitchin attitude and rebel look has too much of an MTV plastic appeal to be real. Dude has studded diamond rings for every finger. Guess maybe the chicks dig em, or perhaps I am just getting old.
I seriously can not believe that I forgot about this subject for this thread. This is by far the most Overrated thing to happen in the world of tv commericals and sports!!! [media][/media]