exactly. thats the entire counterpoint to your expectations argument. so you're saying a franchise which has never won more than 70 games has higher expectations than the most historic team in baseball history. okie dokie.
in light of some new current events i am going to have to add the never ending coverage of 45 mph storms.
And y'all ain't getting a new one anytime soon. sounding more and more like a Bama/Notre Dame Fan with every post.
Well look no further then this guy; Ron Popeil You know, creator of the Ronco pocket fisherman, "But wait, there's more!" and the Ronco Rhinestone and Stud Setter Never truly satisfied with the veg-o-matic, he secretly endorsed the time tested and never rested Salad Shooter. I think you very well may have your guy. Really, who needs the time to prepare a meal without this guy around. "Set it and forget it" are this mans watchwords.