There's no excuse for this loss.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jean Lafitte, Jun 15, 2003.

  1. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Every happened upon the tiny town of McGehee? If you've driven back to La from Little Rock you've had to (except if you're going to Shreveport). My home town......not much their.
  2. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Jean Lafitte,

    I have read your posts for a couple of years now. I must confess that it has normally been during football season because that is my FAVORITE time of year. (My Fav. LSU Sport)

    I just wanted to say that I've always enjoyed your input. You have always been very fair.

    Please do not stop posting on this board. I (for one) enjoy reading your posts.
  3. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Thanks, Joe Reckless

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I often post personal opinions and impressions that are not always well-grounded in everything that a person would need to know to have a well-informed opinion. Sometimes folks get mad at that and correct me or disagree. That's great and fine by me.

    After listening to a LSU baseball game on the internet for 3 or so hours, I might post something negative here, if we lose. That's mostly frustration and emotion posting at that time. I would not post just to poke a stick in the eye of my fellow LSU fans. Besides, even my "negative" posts avoid namecalling and denigrating LSU and LSU personnel. I may question the coach, but that's not the same as saying "Coach sucks and should be fired." I've never posted anything like that here or anywhere else.

    There are CSF Titan posts over on their board right now questioning Coach Horton's ability to ever win the CWS. Those posts come from a frustrating loss. No serious Titan fan would really think that their coach should be fired.

    Same for LSU's Smoke Laval: no serious LSU Tiger fan really thinks that Smoke needs to be replaced at this time.

    I think I know why Smoke went with the pitching line-up that we saw vs. the Gamecocks. It was because, from the Coach's perspective, you don't want to forfeit any chance of winning Game 3 by using all of your best pitching in Game 2. A Coach will take risks with the lineup in Game 2 in order to maximize the chances of winning Game 3. From a Coach's perspective, 0-2 is not any worse than 1-2. You've got to try to win it all, and to do that, you've got to take risks and hold some pitching firepower in reserve.

    What do ya'll think of that?
  4. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    No, Hub. I didn't notice it. I'll be on the lookout for it.

    I did drive down to Junction City, LA, to buy lottery tickets. Anybody from there?

    That town is very interesting because the LA/ARK state line runs right through the middle of town, LITERALLY.

    Lots of logging and paper mills there!

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