when i saw this thread ,eyes wide shut , immediately came to mind.That was the most overhyped crap I have ever seen.
right on. i give movies like this a break because i dont think they are supposed to be be good. terrible, but for dumb children. you got that right. i liked that, a good movie. cmon, bourne was good. i hear you, the writing is funny if you are sophomore in high school, otherwise is pretty difficult to take. one of my top 5 ever. cant watch it enough.
This is pretty comprehensive. League of extraordinary gentlemen Sideways Doom Farenheit 9/11 Monsoon Wedding Jersey Girl Frida Kingdom of Heaven My big fat Greek Wedding Elektra Freddy Got Fingered Bridgett Jones' Diary Titanic Battlefield Earth To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Simone Simon Sez Kazaam (Sorry, Shaq) Charlie's Angels 2 William Shakespear's Romeo & Juliet (with Leonardo DiCaprio) Holy Man 2 Fast 2 Furious Spice World Forces of Nature Batman & Robin Batman Forever The Avengers Double Team Catwoman Master of Disquise Contact Life The Terminal Munich
Dude, I thought that movie was going to be great. The wife and I went to see it and walked out half way through it. Had to be the worst movie by Bill.
What part of Wesley Snipes and Patrick Swayze in drag made you think it was a good movie before you saw it?
good list, cparso. the only one i'm on the fence on with you is munich which i couldn't decide whether or not i liked it, but i wouldn't put it on a worst movie list.