ya' never know...he may fly a top secret misson in a hostile land, be taken prisoner and his interrogators may look up his time on TF and say "Mr. US pilot...aka Crunchman....is this drunken, sordid tale of lewd behavior posted on Tiger Forums in 2008 really true?" I mean whats he suppose to do? Its in the interest of national security!!! :hihi:
And my security clearance! :wave: JUST kidding Mr. National Security Agency internet scanner guy. JUST kidding...
Christmas Eve in Nuremberg, Germany....a single soldier thousands of miles from home. having absolutely nothing better to do and feeling more homesick by the minute i decided the best course of action would be to get drunk and go back to the barracks and sleep it off. Oh the choices.....what would be the weapon of self-destruction? that time-honored bastion of derelicts and winos everywhere............MAD DOG 20-20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was the ticket to Hell, but I'm getting ahead of myself in this sordid tale of woe. There were exactly 4 people in the nco club that cold and snowy night and they all looked sadder than me, but that was about to change. One fifth of Mad Dog later i was back at home reliving all of the warm and fuzzy Christmas' of years gone by. As the tears rolled down my cheeks i bravely ordered another fifth of the devil juice and quickly downed it as well. I somehow made it back to my room and promptly passed out and awoke at 3:00 Christmas Day. The entire left side of my body was numb.....not asleep, but numb. It certainly made getting into my Class A's more interesting. In order to eat as the mess hall and partake of the Christmas feast, one had to be wearing the dress uniform, by order of the sadistic commanding officer. I'm sure his a$$ was home eating turkey and I bet he wasn't wearing his effing Class A's. Anyway, there I was in my dress uniform waiting for the mess hall to open with a pounding headache, so I lay back down on my bunk and promptly fell back asleep. Of course I woke up at 5:30 pm, just in time for the mess hall to HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR 30 MINUTES. :angryfire I thought they would have some mercy on me, it was Christmas after all...they laughed in my face and told me to go away.... "The Mess Hall Is Closed!!!!!!!!!" I hobbled back to my room and had a peanut butter (no jelly)sandwich and water for my Christmas dinner. Boys and girls stay away from that MD 20-20!!!!