Boy, you guys sure are sentitive. I am just having a little fun and Crystal and the Drunken LSU fan must have gotten their feelings hurt. Also, somebody mentioned if I thought USC would have handled LSU in 2003. I don't know but it would have been a helluva game. I do think USC had a better team but we'll never know who was best because they never met. Lighten up have one of your best LSU teams ever ....but until one of these 2 team loses, USC will be ranked #1 and a win over Nebraska will only increase the Trojans lead. But when somebody claims that Auburn beat USF, that has to be addressed.
Don't let him get to you. His actual team is so pathetic that he has to stroke SC's balls. His screen name proves he's only a bandwagoner. Watch how fast he disappears when SC loses their first game.
That's not what you're doing. You came in here with your typical West Coast 'I'm better than you' arrogant, obnoxious attitude, you got slapped around a bit, and now you want to be friends.
Mississippi........hmmmmm...never mind, it's too easy! Who do you think is going to beat USC? Nebraska? ND? Please.......
You're like the guy who shows up at a party uninvited, don't introduce yourself and then start insulting everybody. When you're surrounded by a bunch of people with their fists cocked to shut you up, you say: "Aw man, I was just kidding. I'm not so bad."
Trust me pal, it takes a hell of alot more to hurt my feelings than the ridiculous comments you made. In fact, Id actually say the comments brightened my day a little as they were ignorant comments coming from a Fresno fan who suddenly felt the urge to start some "stuff" with a real fan base (not many posters here named ULL#1 or Tulane_fan defending LSU) for really no reason what so ever. Plus you were owned by nearly every comment after your initial one. Trust me, when it comes to ignorant bandwaggon USC/OSU/ND fans I have no "buttons" to press.
FRIENDS?? ha, ha, ha LOL....whew.....thats funny..........all I did was remind you folks that the polls are clear and USC is ranked #1 I know that LSU is mad that their great team is not being recognized but the writers and coaches feel USC is the best right now friends! LOL