I'm kinda sad! This was the time we used to meet at this thread to beat up on FSUloser and now he is gone! :grin: Where is our next troll?
Reminds me of a rep thread we use to have.... whatever happened to that? Ohh yeah now I remember! :yelwink2:
Ok.. I got through about 8 pages of this nonsense and if you really want to know who the National Champions were in 2003 just look at Vegas. If FUBullnuts or whatever his name is bet that USC would win the National Championship in 2003 he would have lost his money. Unlike myself who bet LSU and won. The payout gets the win. Now USC can call themselves the Paper Champion of 2003 all they want we have the hardware. BTW... tell your mom I missed my tee time but I expect my raincheck in the mail... NittanyTiger OUT!!! Dang... I was behind on this one... oh well