Jeez, where you bin? Did you not read the thread in the Roundtable I started "What the heck to do to get the dang still working agin" I had more posts with advice then the gator huntin' thread!! It may be in the Best of forum now it was so dang popular! Where were you?
Dang!!! Glad I didn't make the bet on how long he would last! I might have had to have Quinn on my avator then!! PUKE!!!
There's just enough hours in the work day for me to squander... lol I'll try to do better in the future! :thumb:
Yep that is what the none under his name means! Good thing too, the girls were starting to get the "gang mentality" against him!!
well, my friend, most of the rest of the planet disagrees with you, the AP Poll and the Coaches Poll. Does everyone remember that little map of who voted for LSU as #1? here's the link in case you forgot: call me obsessive or bored or whatever, but i did a little spreadsheet with the information from that map. you can view it here: take note that only california (and by not as much as you might think), oregon, and washington are the only state's whose majority agrees with the polls right now. also notice all the LOVE from the SEC. i guess birds, mammals and reptiles of a conference do stick together. also note the other guys giving us big love: West Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Virginia (Go Hokies!), Kansas - all with over 75% of voters choosing LSU. Even 77% of the 9,437 voters who don't live in the states (listed as INT International) chose LSU over USC. So, FSUBULLDOGS, even if the AP and Coaches voters are the official count. It's only a matter of time before they see the light. 106,588 votes were cast by the people and 78,034 of them pick LSU. Official or not, it definitely means something.