Speaking of walls (thread title), the party that says a wall at the border is racist and wouldn't do any good anyway has erected a wall around the locale of its national convention this week. They will also demand participants/spectators show ID to get in, although asking people to show their ID to vote is also racist. So hard to take these people seriously.
I have lived in 4 states. SC, NJ NY LA. none of them are swing states. so every presidential vote iI have ever cast was relatively meaningless. that's fascinating. given that LA is in the bag for trump (I love louisiana) I am gonna probably vote for RFK just so when people ask me who I voted for I will have a nice conversation starter. I like what he says about health and food and disease.
The darling of the left, when they thought he might beat Trump. Now that's he's part of the admin-elect, he's just another Nazi.
this is one of the more definitively correct predictions ever. today fanni Willis was thrown off the Georgia case. that case is going nowhere. walls failed to close in once again