The SEC tournament is a big waste of time.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by olVENICEdog, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Why? SEC is won and the tournament means squat. You bubble boys can get worked up but it's practice time for LSU! this week.
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    I don't mind having a tournament for SEC champion; college basketball is full of little tournaments; the conference tournaments are just more important than most. If your team has had a good season then you should get in regardless. If you are in a minor conference and can't win your conference tournament then I guess you don't belong unless your overall season is strong enough to get you in as an at-large. I'm not sure I completely agree with the way the 65 teams are picked, but minor conference teams can't say they don't have the opportunity to make the tourney.
  4. gohawgsgo

    gohawgsgo Freshman

    Olvenice, you didnt think the hogs were invited to the SEC tourney? that goes to show your basketball knowledge, EVERYONE GETS INTO THE SEC TOURNAMENT:yelwink2:
  5. olVENICEdog

    olVENICEdog Founding Member

    I know you caught me I thought they didn’t qualify b/c of the bad year they had. Sorry good luck in the SECT I hope we get Bama or Kentucky. The Hogs don't have a chance. But you seem like a good hog fan so I will pull for them if we lose.
  6. train

    train Founding Member

    The SEC tournament is not a big waste of time. If you are not one of the 4 are 5 teams that are going to the NCAAT you got a shot at getting an automatic bid to the NCAAT. (Hell the SEC might get 6 teams in)
    The only thing I hate about the SEC toruney is what if CJB decides to rest Tasmin, D-Mitch, Tyrus we loose early and then we go from a possible 2 seed to a 4 seed. This might sound crazy, but I would rather be a healthy 4 seed than a banged up 2 seed in the NCAAT. Think about it.....every team is going to be playing their a$$ off so if we dont go in there 90-100%....... I know hes not going to do it, but hell I'd play Mag, Voogd, Chris Johnson, Fleshman, GT, and Baby. Temple can run all day and Glen probably is the only one that needs to run every day (to stay in game shape). F*** it go in there as a healthy 4 seed and raise hell.
  7. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    Guess you don't know sh*t about sports either, do ya, TIMMY Chang?!?!?!
  8. Cajun J

    Cajun J Founding Member

    The only "poster" you will ever be is a poster child for mental retardation.
    And I apologize to all the mentally challenged for this.....:(

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