The Rich needed the tax cuts...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Texas_Tiger

    Texas_Tiger Tiger Stuck in Aggie Land

    Aug 30, 2009
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    At least 10,000 from Microsoft.

    "From 1986 to 1996, Microsoft's stock soared more than a hundredfold as the company's Windows operating system and Office applications dominated the PC industry. That explosive climb made millionaires of employees who had accepted options as a substantial part of their compensation for 60-hour workweeks"

    More hard work - Less whining = greater wealth
    1 person likes this.
  2. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Bravo! Also, don't forget to add fiscal responsibility to the formula.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    what do you mean? the rich get rich by helping the working man. by offering them things they want to buy, or by giving them a place to work.

    the guy who owns the company you work for, he is rich, right? he is not getting rich off you, he is offering you a job you wouldnt have otherwise.

    people earn lots of money because they are providing services lots of other people want to buy. they are helping people. the richest men in america, independent of their philanthropy are doing more for their fellow man than anyone else. and they are being rewarded by being paid.

    johan santana is rich because i want to pay him to entertain me, and he does. he isnt gettting rich at my expense. we are engaging in trade. he entertains me and i pay him, we both come out winners. and lots of people engage in trade with him. thats how rich people are rich, they are trading with lots of people, they are contributing more.
  4. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I think I misunderstood your initial quote but my point still remains. You say the rich get rich because they use the working man to get rich?

    I'm saying they got rich but created opportunity and income for not only their employees but also the people they buy stuff from and do business with. It's a fundamental difference in perspective and I suspect you will never see things my way and I know I will never see things your way.

    How am I doing "the working man" a disservice by giving him a job. Just because I make money too doesn't mean I have taken advantage of him.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Well if they got rich all by themselves, why do they need workers?
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i didnt say they got rich by themselves. rich people generally get rich by giving other people jobs and producing things that people want. steve jobs is rich because lots of people would rather have an iphone than $200 or whatever. i was a trade. you have heard of trade? people engage in in voluntarily for mutual benefit. so trades help both sides. and if you have a product or service that lots of people want, you get rich by trading. you and your boss trade money for labor. both benefit. nobody is taking advantage of anyone. if i hire people and i get rich off what we make, that means i am halping lots of people. not only i am i offering people a chance to trade their labor for money, i am selling something that people would rather have than the money they paid for it. both sides win. you need to grow up and stop thinking like a 6th grader with a che shirt on.

    do you think hiring workers to help you get rich is a bad thing? employing people is bad? creating jobs is bad? do you hate your company for offering you a job?
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Wow. You really don't get it.

    Why don't you come up with a service or a product that people will want? Then, save all of the money you spend on dope and invest that money,AT YOUR RISK,of course, into providing that service or product. If you are successful, you will get a return on your investment and make a profit. If you are really lucky, you will make a lot of money and hire workers to help you and then they will make money.

    If your idea or product is a bad one, you won't have any money or dope but you won't have wasted the time and talents of the "common workers".
  8. Texas_Tiger

    Texas_Tiger Tiger Stuck in Aggie Land

    Aug 30, 2009
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    Baby steps my friend. :yelwink2:
  9. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I'm a good example of what SF is saying here.. My bosses came up with a process that looks to possibly be a game changer in some aspects of the steel industry. So they hired a crew (my co-workers and myself) to further develop this process in a lab environment. We did, and currently we're moving from a 4,000 square foot lab facility, to a 45,000 sq foot production plant. The plant will bring decent paying jobs to the area, revenue in taxes to the city we're in, and best of all since I was in on the ground level, I have the opportunity to make this work out well for myself. Sky's the limit; all I have to do is take advantage of the opportunity my evil rich bosses afforded me.

    If it really takes off beyond the facility we're building now, then we expand again, increase production again, provide more revenue in taxes to the local (and federal) government, and provide more good paying jobs to the area, again..

    So could someone explain to me exactly how that's a bad thing?

    The rich generally get rich for a reason.. They have a knack for making good business decisions regarding money. If they can't do that, they don't stay in business long. If you tax the hell out of them then eventually it gets to a point that they decide it's not worth the effort to build wealth on account of uncle scam taking it away and giving it to people that think it's not fair for someone to be rich. Then they either A) sit on their money or B) invest it somewhere that taxes aren't so painful. Neither of which helps this country one bit, IMHO.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    if you hire a local kid to mow your lawn, and he cant get it all done himself, and he hires a couple other kids and starts a little company, do you think "that selfish bastard hiring workers for the purpose of making a profit!"

    again, you opinions are infantile.

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