Awe, you mean Cali govt officials cannot come and visit the corporate HQ's that are moving from Cali to Texas?
Let me spare YOU the trouble of introducing another bit of hate speech from an idiot on the left: WILMINGTON, Del. — People from all over the country are calling for a University of Delaware adjunct professor to be fired after she wrote on Facebook that Otto Warmbier "got exactly what he deserved" after being taken into custody by North Korea, falling into a coma and dying. She might as well have just said "He's white, I resent that, so it's OK if he was executed for a childish prank that harmed no one." You know... I certainly agree that white people are advantaged.... and white people are certainly privileged relative to everyone else. But her rhetoric is toxic bullshit. No, he DIDN'T deserve it, and she wouldn't be saying the same thing if young Mr. Wambeir weren't white... something he couldn't control. AS IF young black people are not capable of pranks or punk attitudes. Delaware SHOULD fire her racist hate-filled butt.
Nice dress Dettwyler. Anyone remember Max Detweiler? Adjuncts are easier to get rid of than tenured morons but she's been published more than once. This woman cannot have children....she'd never have spoken that way otherwise. Otto was a Midwestern Jew who came from a working class family. His dad owned his own business and Otto was his high school's salutatorian. He was known as funny, hard-working, intelligent, and sincere. He was studying commerce, economics, and global sustainability. You know, going out in the world and trying to make improvements, while this bitch is mostly useless, teaching anthropology and secretly hating lots of students. RIP Otto.
She not only deserves to be fired, she deserves a good old fashioned ass whooping. Oh, and Rex, white people are privileged. Privileged to work hard to pay the taxes that support the freeloaders. Privileged to be passed over for jobs and admission to colleges to satisfy some affirmative action quotas. Tell me @Rex if you needed life saving surgery would you rather be cut open by a white doctor who got into med school on his own merit or would you rather be cut open by a minority member who was put on the fast track to surgeonhood because of his race or ethnic heritage?