The remaining 2008 Presidential candidates

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by red55, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's the plan. The National Intelligence Report has stated flatly that Iran gave up its weapons program in 2003.

    Absolutely. We imagined that Saddam had a nuclear weapons program, but he did not. Yet we rashly overreacted and got into a military and political quagmire. A total waste of US lives and treasure. You want to repeat that fiasco?

    That's about how long it would have taken them. Iran is beligerent and hostile. They have dreams of grandeur. But they are not going to be a nuclear power in the next decade.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nonsense. They don't even have a delivery system for the nuclear weapons that they don't have. They are the ones with few military options. What the hell are they going to do with one or two . . or even 8 or 10 nuclear weapons when we have a Trident submarine in the Indian Ocean at any given time with 240 warheads ready to rain on Iran in 20 minutes.

    They might reach a stalemate with Pakistan or India in theater nuclear power, but they have no real chance to match Israel, much less the United States of America.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Exactly. They don't have nukes and we aren't going to sit by and let them. It doesn't mean that we need to attack Iran right now out of paranoia.

    We did that in Iraq and what did it buy us. We need to not err at all. If they become a true threat, we can still hit them with everything we've got . . . when it is justified by circumstance. If they are no threat, then we need not worry about them, much less go off half-cocked again.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    OK, so where are the Iraqi bombs? They ever existed. Like Iran, the effort proved too difficult. North Korea pushed ahead and actually created a weapon at the expense of starving their country into the stone ages and when they tested it . . . it fizzled. Now they, too, are trying to negotiate their way out of the nuclear weapons business. Small third-world countries cannot afford nuclear weapons and they tend to attract hostile superpowers and tempt them to destroy you.

    Right, right, anyone who disagrees with you hates America. What a lame, flag-waving attempt at an argument.
  5. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Why do we need to be so involved in the middle east? I'm assuming you believe we need to be involved for the oil and the money that US companies make from selling oil. If Iran were to take over all the oil in the Middle East, would we be screwed? Would other countries step up to defend us or would they allow us to be punished? Would we be able to come up with technology to become oil independent if we truly needed to? Would the rest of the nations in the Middle East (and around the world, particularly in Europe) sit idly by as Iran started going to war to control the world's oil? Is it in our best interest to keep Iran down?

    So it isn't really negotiating, it is dictating. So it is in our best interest to be the dictator of the Middle East? That sounds un-American and immoral. If you sacrifice the moral high ground you may still have worldly power but in the end is that what matters?
  6. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Watch the news please before posting. Iran launched rockets last week and that's a delivery system.
  7. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Man oh man. I see now how human beings, Americans, like Albright can go over to N. Korea and come back with a worthless treaty and we give them materials to make a nuke. I see now. It's like heads in the sand.

    All the guy needs is 1 and the leverage is gone. Talking diplomacy with you is like trying to get a group of ex-hippies to understand that islamofacists want to kill us.
  8. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    You assume wrong. We need to be involved in the middle friggin' east because 19 islamo kooks flew planes into buildings and killed 3,000 of your countrymen. You need to ask? You can hide your head and say it was a islolated incident if you want to....or blame America first for it (which is what you'll likely do), but some people live in the real world where hope and holding hands with crazy people doesn't work.

    Negotiating, dictating...just words....what you don't like your country to win and get what we want and need around the world for us and your countrymen to be successful? If we have to threaten that little Iranian pipsqeak with his friggin' children's lives to settle down and get in line, then so be it. Sorry to harm your delicate sensibilities. Life's not fair. America is the last superpower and we use that everyday to our advantage. Man up.
  9. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    No, anyone who blames America first for the world's problems hates their country. They have been wrapped in the cocoon of freedom and prosperity too long and haven't known what it was like to have to earn their freedom or have anyone they love die for it. Those Code Pink kooks and their ilk are ruining our country. And the Code Pink moonbats I link directly to the democratic party.

    I take my country and my love of it personally, yes.
  10. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Saddam's nuclear facility was blown up by Israel in 1981. He was still working on reconstituting his NW program and had chemical weapons because he used them on the Kurds. What else can you distort?

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