But not really a funtioning democracy witha string of civil wars, partitioning, and long periods of occupation by Israel or Syria or both. Egypt and Iran are technically democracies, too, with elected Presidents, but in fact, Egypt is run by a strongman who has been in power for decades and Iran is actually a religious oligarchy where the Preseident doesn't have the true power, The Islamic Council does.
It's hard Red. :lol: That's why I couldn't run for office. I take things personally. My flaw. But I've seen you labeling on here......conservative/avocado. I'll try to do better. Maybe you can help me out.
Iran is a republic by name. Doesn't make them one. N.Korea is a republic....you consider them free and democratic? Lebanon has elections with one party just like Syria. Not a democracy, IMO.
I don't think we have distance ourselves from Israel for islamic countries to westernize. The two aren't related. Those countries are going to westernize whether Israel exists or not and no matter where our relationship stands. We have been close to Israel and Eqypt has drafted treaties with Israel. We didn't have to stop helping Israel for Eqypt to recognize the inevitablility of an Israeli state. In fact these counties don't have to love and respect Israel for peace. Once they westernize, the peace will come. The US can play a role in this by continuing our partnership with Israel and underming the last regimes to collapse or change. That's what's happening in Iran right now. Young people are fighting for change and western change at that.....and the government is fighting back. In time, Iran will change and it will happen quicker if they don't have a nuke and with the US undermining their current governmental structure.
No, we just had to start helping Egypt as well. We provided Egypt with F-16 jet fighters, just like we give to Israel. We also give Egypt billions of dollars a year to pretend they are cool with the Israeli state. "Egypt is especially vulnerable to U.S. pressure as the recipient of around $2 billion annually in U.S. aid, as its reward for making peace with Israel in 1979." http://www.time.com/time/columnist/karon/article/0,9565,538464,00.html Sure, we could give F-16 jet fighters and billions of dollars a year to the rest of the Arab countries, and then their governments wouldn't have as big of a problem with us being best buddies with Israel anymore (although there is no guarantee their general populations would feel the same way).
I'd rather give middle eastern countries f-16 fighters to go about their business and not blow stuff up than the trillions we throw down the toilet to despotic dictators in Africa. Eqypt at least gives us some return on our investment.......they do nothing and stay out of the way. In Africa it's like flying over and throwing money out of a plane.
Supporting Israel and forwarding the collapse of Iran isn't intermingling alliances. Elect Hillary or Barack and have them go have face to face meetings with Iran and see what that gets you. It'll get you Iran with a nuke. You think they talk big now.....let them get the bomb and watch them hold the middle east hostage every other week.