With as much skepticism for anything printed in a blog that I can muster, I have to ask: can you prove this guy does not have SEAL pals in Virginia?
I do wonder why it took four days to do something that could have been completed in a few hours. I'm sure the captain was wondering "WTF" as the scumbags drug him back into the boat after the two times he jump clear of the boat. I can not think of another reason why he would jump from the boat if it wasn't to give the snipers a clear shot. Surely he didn't think he could swim to safety. Each time he left the boat, and nothing was done, I was asking "WTF". I promise you, the ideal time for a sniper to take a shot is not while one of the targets is holding a weapon to the back of the hostage. The story will come out eventually once the Marines and sailors from the Boxer get back home. Due to OPSEC, they're not able to talk much about it right now from the ship.
Not just that. I have a lot of military (past and present) friends. It doesn't sit too well with us that the President had to go to Langley to explain to the CIA why he was such a pussy.