The Pope

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by Sourdoughman, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i made a mistake i actually believe in athe afterlife, as well as all made up things that cannot be disproved, up to an including the fact of the holiness of the spaghetti monster. i had forgottn i have the mind of a child.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    An issue must be proved before it can be disproved. At present the afterlife is a religious concept, not a proven fact.

    If you produce evidence of afterlife that will withstand scientific scutiny then the issue is proved. At that point attempts to disprove it may begin.
  3. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I get it now. We have to prove we can run the football against Auburn before it can be disproved.:) Then again, Deek asked him to prove there is no afterlife. Phrasing the question that way, wouldn't it be up to martin to prove there is no afterlife, then Deek to disprove martin's position?
  4. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    no. you see, he made a statement to the effect of "the teaching of lies such as the afterlife needs to stop and reason must be introduced".

    when one makes such a statement, the burden of proof is upon that person to avoid looking ridiculous by stating as fact something which simply isn't a fact. being as martin has attempted to teach me this numerous times, one would think he'd have learned it by now?
  5. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    you have let us know on innumerable occasions that you are convinced all spiritual thought and religious ideas are made up and are only believed by those who have childlike minds. we get it, now move on to the next topic please.

    just remember that you lectured red about lies and lying earlier, and you are now showing that you really don't understand the issue at hand at all.
  6. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Let me get this straight...
    You are criticizing others and calling them idiots for killing people yet you are ok with muslims killing the pope.
    You sound a little bit like Rosey O'Donald lumping Christians, Jews with radical Muslims.
    I would argue that most Christians, Jews and other religious people are for peace, live and let live kind of philosophy.
    I will also point out that you probably have the same percentage of bad apples in the world religious and non-religious that do bad things in the world.
    Its just much easier to attack bad apples when they are religious than non-religious.
    Sounds like your whole point is lumping everyone together, how many times have people argued on this forum about doing that very thing?

    You say we need reason the most but you are ok with killing the pope.
    I think we should consider separating those who want to kill from those who want to live in peace.
    I also bet you can find leaders and people who kill who aren't religious as well.
    The bad thing about religion is people can change it to suit their own selfish wants and needs but not everyone does this!
    A few bad apples doesn't spoil the crop, thats like a few LSU fans were bad at the AU game so they are all bad.
  7. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Don't forget babies, he's ok with killing those as well.

    Seriously, don't take his bait.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    the pope is the one making unfounded assumptions and asserting that they are facts. there are absolutely not facts and they are completely without evidence. to pronounce things to be true when they are actually made up by humans is to spread lies.

    whether the pope personally believes his lies are true or not determines whether the pope is actually lying or is merely delusional. either way, he is doing the world a horrible disservice and i wish him a speedy death.

    this leads me to a question i often wonder about, whether religious people really believe the lies they tell themselves. and i think it differs alot with individuals. if i had to guess, i would say 157 knows on some level he is buying into lies, but hasnt the emotional strength to break out. and i dont mean to pick on 157, i just thinmk he is a good example. i think it frustrates him that he has bought into the craziness and cannot escape it.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    prove their is no spaghetti monster. can't? lets all worship him then. also lets believe that if we drive a plane into a tower full of innocent people and murder them we get 72 virgins. cant prove that isnt true? lets do it then.

    see how that works? BELIEVING MYTHS IS DANGEROUS. we as a species should be beyond it.

    i think the death of the pope might be a good thing for the world. he is worse than an innocent person harboring some beliefs. he is a spreader of the disease. he is helping to infect the masses with the virus.

    i wish i could lump everyone together, but they insist on divinding themselves into groups with incompatible beliefs, and then killing each other. and we still do not realize that maybe we should start being critical of the divisive beliefs and those who spread and encourage them.

    of course their are many terrific religious people who are great and i respect. but the views advanced by religion are crazy and dangerous and incredibly divisive. there is no reason behind them besides emotional weakness and indoctrination and i think we should all do everything we can to move on.
  10. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Then you should have challenged the pope directly to prove an afterlife exists. You didn't; you just said you hoped for his death. However, Deek has challenged you to prove your position there is no afterlife, yet you seem hesitant to make your case, for some reason.

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