It just isn't the same with out the ole attachment to my right hand. :lol: That didn't sound so good did it. :lol: Got my vodka-cranberry right now. I don't really like the color but I chose plastic instead of glass to mask the color.
Nope, I am not gonna be able to babysit my grandson during a :helmet: game, he will learn too many bad words. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
I am by myself too, one of my best friends isn't here yet, me and her can have a good time. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Here at my house in Mississippi, and yes they are ready, I cook early, I can't watch football and drink and cook at the same time. I would end up burning down the house. You are welcome to come and eat if you want to, I also have some taco soup too. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Someone please drink plenty of Abita for me... Health still won't allow me any alcohol at the moment. Damn it seems like a loonnnngggg time since I spent an LSU game without a beer or 12. Oh yes. Make sure it's a Turbo Dog or Amber. Dark beers rule. :grin: And.. and... I guess a New Castle will do if you don't have Abita. :grin:
I don't have any of that around me Justin, but me and my friend will drink one in your honor. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Mississippi? I thought you were a home grown BRian. Thats a long drive for me. Awww man and I wanted those shrimp. Where are you in MS? Oxford? I will be there next week.
Hey, ya know what? That's good enough! :grin: I'll have plenty of time Abita once I'm back home! :thumb: