You don't know how mutual funds work, do you? :huh: Apparently, you don't realize that there are no alternatives. The practice is widespread. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm burying my money in the back yard. :insane:
again, i hear a man complaining about the way companies are run, all while profiting from these same companies and pretending there are no other places for him to invest.
The rich don't stop anyone from making money. Just b/c they use the system that is presented to them doesn't make them the bad guys. More talk on policies and less talk about individuals who did what we all wish we could do....
If you're going to respond...answer everything. I'm guessing you can't or you'll make some silly comment that's it's beneath you to discuss the rest. Typical. When you have time please list all the liberals who are being targeted by this group. Oprah is worth 2.5 BILLION. Is she too rich? I'm guessing since she delivered 1M+ voters to Obama she'll be exempt. :dis: Also explain what abortion, war, global warming, student loans, marijuana, voters' rights, racism, and the Patriot Act have to do with Wall Street or the wealthiest 1%. Did these people (with their signs & t-shirts) show up at the wrong protest?
I can make money and still want to improve the system so that I can keep more of the money I own instead of having it bled away by overpaid executives. I own the stock and I've paid for the privilege. I vote them out all of the time. The problem is the disenfranchisement of stockholders.
I'll respond like I want to, just like everyone else. Much of your diatribe deserves no response. So you admit that you made it up. :lol: Just like the racists, anti-abortion groups, religious right and other fringe groups that show up at Tea Party protests.
So you determine who is overpaid and whether they get to keep their money? Sounds hypocritical to me.
Yeah because I'm sure all these overpaid CEOs won't look for better deals if/when there compensation is cut. And I'm sure there will be little fall off in stock price when highly regarded CEO's decide they would rather go in another direction. If you feel disenfranchised don't own the stock. You already have all the power to need. Seems highly hypocritical to want a better return while thinking the guys who drive the return should make less.
then do it at your stockholder meetings. dont do it with politics. it isnt really a political issue, your wanting to change the policies at the companies you work for. i dont understand why you dont just buy stock in companies that you approve of. again, its not really a political issue. i dont come here complining because i have mcdonalds stock and i think they should change the way they manage ketchup packets. its an internal issue, between you and these companies you own.
1) I'll take that as you have no answer to support your assertions. 2) I'll take that as you can't prove it's not a double standard. 3) Prove the Tea Party Protests were about racism, anti-abortion, etc. Your comparison of the Tea Party movement and Occupy Wall Street is in your head. Once again you attempt to claim your "opinions" are factual while everyone else is wrong. You're so full of yourself. :insane: Keep spinning for the government cheese side of the aisle Mr. Moderate. (cough, cough)