Fire the MF corrupt SOB Trump! A democrat would have already done it and put in leftist or scrapped the whole thing. FIRE THE MF!
yeah, fire Mueller PENCE WILL SOON BE PRESIDENT IF TRUMP FIRES MUELLER, SAYS BUSH LAWYER If Trump fires special counsel Mueller, he will be impeached | TheHill Senators Introduce 2 Bills To Try To Keep Trump From Firing Mueller Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have warned Trump not to dismiss Mueller. The two Senate bills — one from Sens. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., and Christopher Coons, D-Del., and the other from Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., aim to make congressional opposition to such a move clear.
Colusion at it's finest its why there will eventially be a revolution in this country. Trump has upset the money train and disrupted the theft of the citizens money by the right and the left, now there is real colusion. You are a fool duck.
Yes Blowhard,.. there will be a revolution.. but it's not going to be the blood bath you hope for, luckily there are only a few idiotic radical nitwits who dream of civil war. Trump may actually springboard America to the solution, by showing us the absurdity of his election and his Presidency. We don't need a shyster in the White House like Trump,.. he's gotta go,.. he's dishonest, weird and dangerous, unfit to be our President Intelligent patriotic minds will eventually prevail, at some point a strong leader will emerge and form a new moderate party, based on putting America's self interest above politics, that's the kind of revolution American's hunger for,.. cohesion for real change,.. above all else we need a Congress that gets things done, Trump may see the hunger, but he's a sham, a charlatan, not the one we need. The key is,.. the Democrats and Republicans gotta go. There will be no significant change until a moderate 3rd party controls Congress.
What a foolish retort just proves my point you really are just a fool. Revolution? There is a revolution going on right in front of your squinty stupid duck eyes. Its going on at college campuses by the left shutting down free speech. It's going on in the streets with leftist white anarchists destroying property and hurting people. Its going on with Black Lives Matter a phony name for a violent black supremacist group aimed at kaos and anarchy. Its going on in Hollywood and the media with leftist propaganda designed to turn people against conservatives. It's going on in the halls of congress with the slow erosion of our constitutional rights. Its going on in the phony eviromental climate change crowd designed to also strip us of our sovereignty. Its going on with the imigration movement designed for nothing else but to get the left votes and steal elections. The left wrote the modern day book on violent revolution and totalitarianism you middle of the road mushy clown. You think the meek will inherit the earth? The meek aint going to inherit jack shit being moderate. You would have made a great citizen for Stalin, a useful idiot. You are either young or just plain ignorant or maybe just stupid. I guess my dad has always been right telling me "you can judge someone by the people they gang with", enjoy flocking with Rexie a real retard of the first order. Here's your picture symbol
but Blowhard, you said, "there will eventually be a revolution in this country", kinda excitable aint ya Moe