But it has to be the same speed point to point. Just because the DNC might have that speed capability doesnt mean hackers have that speed to download at. If this was truly transfered over the net at that speed it raises even more questions. Thats their point.
The hacker could have had his server in a hosted facility with even more capability. I'm not saying the story is true or false, all I'm saying that making a blanket statement like they did is not correct.
But they didn't make a blanket statement. They very much left it open for a possibility. They expressed the rarity, as seen from other forensics.
The reporting on this by mainstream media has been atrocious. Of course "press critics" like Jay Rosen haven't said a word about it. Even though several silicon valley security firms have exposed it as totally brazen and incompetent fibbing (he hates Trump so he averts his eyes from egregious press misconduct).