Not accurate. If you read the article note the following "The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. "
You would have to have a secure channel to transmit at that speed via the internet. Even on base we didn't have that speed. The other limiting factor is the network equipment. Rare to have equipment that can even handle that.
It would take a pretty high end Cisco router to achieve that speed in practice. But that wouldn't be cost prohibitive unless the hacker was some kid living in his mother's basement.
Dude I was an operational manager for a fiber company for over 10 years. I built numerous 10gbs, oc192 circuits. Certain customers infact many have oc 3 circuits. Dnc would probably have an oc 12. That circuit could easily handle that transfer rate. That was almost 10 years ago. Certainly improved now.
I'll take your word. I'm no expert but was relying on the quote in the article. Though previous examples of DNC technical capability make me wonder if what you say was done.
Ok sorry, put it this way. Most residential customers have small pipes. Ie 1" water lines cause you use less. However major customers ie the dnc will use a larger i.e a 2 " pipe because they consume more. The bigger the customer the bigger the pipe