Tool is one of my All Time favorite bands. With that said I am a little, make that more than a little disappointed with the effort here. With so much time off (mostly due to the legal crap) you would think they would have found a little more creativity. Yes I get it, that is what makes Tool, they do what they want. I like it, I'd like it more if it didn't sound like it could be slipped onto any of their previous releases and no one would notice. C+
Think I'll wait for the album before judgement. It really is hard to judge Tool by just 2 songs that are played live. Their albums are usually a production of a whole where one tune feeds the other. I can't imagine this album being any different. We'll know soon
True dat, i was only giving those songs a C+, I've heard lots about this release and looking forward to it big time.
I read today the release is August 30th. Might just take the day off, eat mushrooms and lock the doors
Hit or miss with me. In fact I was always a Van Halen guy and never much of a Van Hager. Then I listened. He made that band SO much better. He is also a pretty stand up guy from what i can tell so...yeah I like him.
I was the same way. Musically its not even close. By that i mean technically. You may just like the "sound" with Dave better but Sammy unleashed their asses. Of course some of that is probably due to how much they had aged and with age comes progression but they were better, a lot better.
Here you go @GiantDuckFan give this a listen, gotta crank that shit though. They have never been tighter and just "with it" than this. 100% BADASS Especially the end "Hey Hey Hey"!