Crime The Michael Brown shooting

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I have indeed read his testimony, evidently a lot more thoroughly than you because the problems with his testimony are glaring:

    First, Wilson claims on page 211 that Brown was holding the stolen cigars in his right hand and then claims that Brown leaned into the car and hit him with his right hand and then a back and forth, tugging and pulling between the two of them ensued yet no tobacco residue was found in the car or in the area. So, he wants us to believe first of all that Brown hit him with the cigars in his hand and then engaged in a scuffle with him yet the cigars somehow remained intact. Either this or that MB changed hands during this life threatening event. Any good prosecutor would have seized on this.
    Second, Wilson claims that in the midst of this supposedly deadly attack, that Brown just stopped in the middle of the beating and asked his friend to hold the cigars for him....and then leaned back into the car and started hitting Wilson again. Does this even sound plausible to you? It does not to me.
    Third, Wilson acts as though he mentally went through his checklist of potential weaponry to use on MB. I find this hard to believe also. He is asking us to believe him when he tells us that there is a frantic fight for his life underway (even though Brown took a break during this so-called beating), and that during this attack he methodically went through his inventory of gear he was carrying.
    Fourth, page 216, lines 15-17, any good attorney would have never allowed such a question. It is leading and speculative. Any good prosecutor wouldn't have asked him such a question. Same thing for page 217, lines 7-8 where he was asked another leading question: "And you mentioned being struck in the face before you pulled your weapon."
    Fifth, on page 220 the person had to ask Wilson to use the laser pointer to show where his injuries were located. If those injuries were minor do you think they would have needed him to point them out? Doubt it.
    Sixth, on page 227 Wilson describes how, after MB ran away from the car after the first two shots were fired, that MB turned back toward him, made a hop-step and started charging him with a mean and aggressive face and also stated that he reached inside his belt line. This was an obvious attempt by Wilson to insinuate that MB was carrying a weapon, when in fact he was not. Any good prosecutor wouldn't have allowed this into testimony because it is irrelevant; speculation at best.
    Lastly, Wilson is allowed to basically say that the neighborhood is not a police friendly area which is completely irrelevant and should have never been allowed into testimony.

    My point is that there is enough gray area here to send the damn thing to trial. You've even said as much yourself. I am not calling Wilson a racist, I am not saying Brown was innocent. In fact, in a trial we might have learned that Brown was totally in the wrong and Wilson was completely right but the fact that a trial was never allowed smacks of blue on blue protection. Wilson's injuries ARE NOT consistent with his injuries, just like many things in his testimony, as I have pointed out above. If you disagree with me then tough'll have to get the fuck over it.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    It is a shame that the Rice shooting hasn't gotten more attention because it is far more cut and dry than the Ferguson case, as you alluded to. Unfortunately, our news cycle overlooks a lot of very important things in favor of the stories they feel are more controversial. Either way, it is another incident of police over reaction that led to the needless death of a kid. Do you know what happened to that officer?
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nobody is disagreeing with this, you are quarreling with yourself.

    Uhhh, . . . you are not making sense.

    I'm not the one getting worked up here. I am just disagreeing with you, which you apparently can't stand. So, take your own advice, Laredo.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    And neither am I getting worked up. It's an internet chat forum, Red. People come here to express their opinions and disagreement is a hallmark of any forum that allows the free expression of opinions. You do not like others disagreeing with you any more than I do or anyone else for that matter. Anyone who thinks enough of their position to publicly state it is obviously willing to defend it publicly also. So there, Hondo.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Officer Wilson has said that he believes he did what he was supposed to, acted as he was trained, and that he could not have done anything different to change the outcome. He conscience is clear. However, that does not mean he feels no remorse.

    "Officer Darren Wilson says he feels remorse for shooting Michael Brown to death. “I never wanted to take anyone’s life,” he told ABC News in an interview segment released Wednesday. “That’s not the good part of the job. That’s the bad part of the job. So, yes, I feel remorse.” He also offered an apology to the Brown family.
  6. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I don't know the answer. Perhaps it was overshadowed by what was transpiring in Ferguson. Perhaps it's because they haven't released the information about the race of the officers. Perhaps it's because the media tells us what to focus on.

    Why did the media only show pictures of Michael Brown that suggested his "gentle giant" persona but not those where he appeared to be showing gang signs or flipping the bird or looking physically intimidating? Why did the video of his strong-arm robbery get so quickly dismissed, some even suggesting it wasn't him or that the police faked the video? Why did the NY Times publish the 2 block street where Wilson lived or his wife's name or a picture of his marriage license? Why was there no story about Brown's mom fighting with her former mother-in-law over the selling of T-shirts with Brown's picture? There was a full-on street brawl with 20 something people and old ladies getting beat in the head over it. Yet not one story that I've seen from the main stream media.

    I don't understand why the Tamir Rice story has gotten so little attention but I think it's really because the Brown incident is getting all the air time.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Could it be that Tamir Rice's killer is non white and there are no civil rights issues to exploit and no rabble for the rabblerousers to rouse? I haven't heard it mentioned at all what race the cops are.

    It just seems like they are putting more value on the life of a drug crazed criminal than on the life of an innocent child
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    No idea. I saw their names but obviously no way to determine if they are white, black, hispanic, or otherwise.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Man I miss the days when EYE used to could getchu worked up like that.
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No doubt we shall have to arm wrestle for it . . .
    Tiger in NC likes this.

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