I haven't seen one. It's all garbage imagined in your diseased, programmed brain where your hatred of Trump is so engrained, it's all you think about. It's quite pathetic. I can do that too. The difference is, you use anecdotal pictures of crowds and imagine fascism where none exists, but I use actual Biden's actions to actually demonstrate it.
The big difference is that I tell the truth and you don't. There are no Hunter Biden crimes to prosecute, and Biden didn't use the FBI to raid trump's home. trump was in possession of stolen government documents... a CRIME. Multiple counts of multiple crimes, in fact. And now even his own henchmen, like Bill Barr, is saying he's going down. AND THAT'S JUST THE STOLEN DOCUMENTS CASE, among several other big legal problems. Pity for you trumpsuckers that he couldn't pardon himself.
readers should note you said this exact same thing in 2017 and constantly since "Trump is in more legal danger than ever" - rex, 2017 http://www.tigerfan.com/threads/let...republicans-are-calling-a-vindication.136685/
you even admit you are fooled by twitter and post it here: and you still wont come clean on lying about muslim terrorist, among many other lies and errors
Well no, this thread is a bunch of mindless rambling with lies and other assorted bullshit that you just throw out there. Bottom line is you cannot produce a single example.
5- Fascists refer to the free press as "enemies of the people", and call for the execution of people critical of themselves. Historical fascists who have called the free press "the enemy of the people": Hugo Chavez, Mao Zedong, Stalin, Pol Pot, and now, of course, trump. And John Bolton swears that in a meeting trump openly said journalists critical of himself should be executed.
You mean the clowns that continue to LIE! The clowns that continue to bury the lead on real stories and instead magnify hoax after hoax? Those clowns?