I disagree with you about LSU having to put the "contribution" amount on the face of the ticket. Section D clearly distinguishes between "contributions or other payments in excess of the printed price requested by or made to the institution" (i.e., "donations") and the face value (i.e., printed price). They aren't the same animal. Section D also allows both LSU and TAF to charge the "contribution" amount.
Just make TAF the vendor for all tickets in Tiger Stadium with LSU being the original. that gets around Section D
There's a law that says you can't SELL a ticket on Superdome property, regardless of the price. And the ex saint GM, now UNO AD, actually called out the cops to enforce it, which they did and arrested people.
I'm not a lawyer but from reading this law it looks like it would be legal to sell a ticket in the $400 section next year for $93. $36 for the actual ticket price plus a fraction over $57 as the prorated "donation" cost per ticket based on 7 tickets in a season ticket package. In order to protect fans who might have to sell their tickets for any particular game LSU should print $93 on those tickets (and the actual cost on other donation priced tickets) so that there would be no ambiguity about the legality of recovering the actual cost without being in violation of the law.
You have seen a few too many Price Leblanc commercials....him and his damn country sausage used to get on my nerves!:cuss: