no doubt this is the worst hurricane to hit BR and gustav was much more damaging than katrina and rita, but i think everyone's memory is short on how bad the traffic was after those two. while traffic's no picnic right now in BR, i promise you it was much much worse after katrina and rita.
Katrina and Rita simply produced capacity issues, which I would take any day over non-functioning traffic signals at major intersections. When it's only the volume that increases, the traffic control systems still function properly and at least regulate the volumes. With signals out at major intersections, it is taking a substantially greater amount of time to pass through them. I was actually a traffic engineer in '05, and my firm was tasked with monitoring and recording the volumes at various places around the city following the storms. DOTD and DPW then increased the signal cycles to accommodate these higher volumes. Clearly, we don't have that option right now. I no longer work in traffic, but I'm still very cognizant of the dynamics that affect travel time. And in my opinion, things are every bit as bad (if not worse) now than they were then, not to mention more dangerous. I think the key difference is that in '05, the problem was seemingly more widespread. There were tens of thousands of extra people simply wondering around the city. Now, everyone is going the same direction, trying to get to work or school. So it may not be as bad going in one direction, but it's much worse going the other.
I can also compare Plano, where I live, to Baton Rouge, especially since Plano has over 250,000 people, like BR (not to mention it's in a country with over half a million people--projected to be a full million within 20 years.) Plano is set up on a grid of 8-10 east/west and 8-10 north/south roadways. All of them are 8 lanes across, and traffic is rarely bad--usually only when there is ice/snow on the roads. One of the Boston newspapers did a story on our city planning several years ago ( I know because the reporter interviewed me for the story.) Baton Rouge has not kept up with the infrastructure, and it's true, this past summer, when I visited my parents, it was the first time since I moved 12 years ago that BR no longer "felt" like home.
Hey guys, as you know I live in West Virginia and don't hear the local news from BR except on the net. However,,,,,,,,,,I heard on the Pittsburgh local news (where I'm staying this week) that the game has been finalized to be in Tiger Stadium. This was said AFTER the weather report that put the hurricane landfall in VERY west Texas. I don't know where the sources are from Pittsburgh, but they acted as if they were pretty confident. Just for what it's worth. View attachment 11315
I never thought I would see the day people WOULD CHOOSE to move to Denham Springs. It has come. Whoever does interstate planning has failed miserably.:geaux:
As I sat in some of the very long lines in BR over the last week during my "supply trip" for relatives I wondered if there was such thing as a solar powered red light????:geaux: