Baton Rouge is ready and if Ike stays away, the game WILLLLLL be played here. Alleva said that probably 20 times today. The hold up is waiting on Ike.
I dont think its the AD's call and there have been conflicting reports out of the AD's office. Alleva says TS is ready but WJBO has reported that "dozens and dozens" of repair trucks and personal are at the stadium as of today.
From Entergy: "The Baton Rouge area has never suffered damage as severe as that caused by Hurricane Gustav. The last storm caused damage close to this was Hurricane Andrew in 1992." Note the words "close to this". Gustav is worse in many ways, not just power problems either.
My wife and I lived in BR from 79-2001. After we moved, I was constantly complaining about not being "home". When we were in BR a couple of years ago and I was going from Pastureview to Airline Hwy btw sherwood and coursey, and it took 45 min, I called her on my cell and told her to just slap me the next time I whined about not being "home" in BR. It really is a shame that LA in general, and BR in particular, did not keep up with infrastructure for the last 40 years. Traffic was bad when we left. I can't imagine how bad it is now. Wichita Falls is 110k ppl and at most I wait through 1 light cycle every couple of days. We have more lanes per capita by a factor of at least 3 compared to BR. Property taxes are high here, but we don't fight traffic and don't have sewer problems like we did in Old Jefferson subd. That said, I sure miss LSU, TS and decent food!
but casey, it is about a city being able to handle those 93,000 people plus extras on campus Saturday Heck, I still have family at my house. No power yet and no telling when they'll get it. Normalcy being restored? Not yet, probably not by this weekend.
How far away from campus have you strayed the past couple of days? I'm just curious, because I'm not sure you grasp exactly how bad the traffic problems are right now. There are still countless traffic signals that are not functioning, and not all of them are due to a lack of power. Many of them have suffered significant damage not only to their internal wiring, but to their structure as well. Therefore, the traffic problem will not be completely remedied when the whole city has power again. Now, I'm not saying that the game could not be played because of the traffic issues in Baton Rouge. I am simply illustrating that things are not nearly as peachy keen in the city outside of campus as you seem to believe. Obviously, things will be better as Saturday draws near. But there is still a lot of work to be done. That said, Ike seems to be a complete wild card. I've never seen a storm whose path was so grossly miscalculated so many times. It was originally supposed to go up the east coast of Florida, then up the middle of Florida, then to the panhandle, then to the Mississippi gulf coast. Now it may not even hit Texas. I realize that the accuracy of the path becomes more certain as time passes and more information is entered in the models. But geez, it's almost like they were guessing in the beginning. And I'm going to be skeptical about where this thing is going until it passes the mouth of the Mississippi.
dallas is a long way from houston, and even if south tex does get hit, i dont see why dallas couldnt be a venue. or shreveport. but atlanta? :rolleye33:
We were w/o power in Old Jefferson for 10 days after Andrew. However, we were in TS on 9/5! The locals will come. The question is, how well can BR handle all of the extra ppl on an already taxed infrastructure? That said, I'm sure LSU will make more $, despite any fan inconveniences, if it is played in TS.
I said it was comparable. Entergy agrees. LSU needs to play a game, and while it may be inconvenient for one Saturday this fall, I don't think many will mind. The starting of classes so early is a different subject. But what are you going to do? If someone doesn't like Hurricanes and the aftermath they produce, they should probably relocate. It's gonna happen.