This movie is so awesome. Since seeing it in the theater, I've probably watched it another 4-5 times since it came out on Netflix;
It was a good movie. But there is one part that really sucked the wind out of it for me. When you see it you’ll know what I’m talking about happens about 30-45 minutes in I think. Pride you know which part I’m talking about right?
I expected that though. Harrison Ford always wanted Han to die, I figured that was the only way he signed on.
Spoiler: Cheese ok Princess Leia gets blasted into space, floating out there looks frozen, then the fingers move, then she fucking floats like Mary Poppins all the way back to the ship and just knocks on the door, that would have been the perfect chance to snuff her off. But I guess they couldn’t pass up the chance to turn Leia into a real Disney Princess Click at your own risk spoiler. Edit: Also if you quote this post it will reveal the spoiler.