Not just at night....just when the sun is blocked. I think I remember a line basically saying that once the sun has it's energy drawn, it goes dark and the weapon is charged. Sequels.
Ding, ding. That was a new concept....that Storm Troopers were kidnapped and then conditioned. Just seems that we would have seen more "Fins" before this one.
I liked the fact that Ren's saber actually looks ancient with the quillons allowing the escape of heat from the main blade.
Was JJ Abrams paying homage to Coppola? In the scene on Takodana right before Maz tries to hand the saber to Rey, there is a shot of tie fighters coming in with the sun behind them. I immediately thought of this....
So true. And dont get me wrong it as a very good movie, i just think they had so much freedom to bring in new plots yet it is more of the same.
I get that aspect and to a small extent I agree. The way I am looking at it is this was the "hand-off" episode. Lucas got away from what made the original and TESB so good, IMO. This film brought some of those elements back but blurred the lines a little by using Han/Leia/Ben rather than Luke/Leia/Vader. Maz ran a great bar which was the modern version of the cantina on Mos Eisley. Just a teeny/quick reference to Obi Wan and let's face it, Guiness is dead so the material is getting thin. We did learn more about Storm Troopers so that opens a new potential story line. Fin, Rey, Kylo, BB-8,and Poe are all the potential new plot twists. My biggest disappointment is the casting of Kylo. He's very emo....not necessarily a bad thing but he is not physically intimidating. Vader and Maul were intimidating in their own way. Of course Hamill is short at 5'9" but David Prowse is 6'5" plus he was a bodybuilder/weightlifter. Ray Park is only 5'10" but his makeup was badass evil and he's a freaking martial arts guru....Kung Fu, kickboxing, wushu. Kylo's headgear sucked. Subtle reference to Vader but not interesting or intimidating. He was out-mentaled by an untrained Rey and completely overshadowed by General Hux when standing in front of Snoke. He's got a long way to go to fill evil shoes.
I liked Kylo and all his emotional baggage. It was a good contrast from Vader/Maul who were all business with their calm focused demeanor. I liked the character design and the costume. It was similar to what came before, but still new. However, I'm not a fan of the cross guard light saber. I'm still waiting for him to accidently cut off his own hand with it.
For me, I didn't get that sense of emotional baggage other than the tantrums. The story came from mom and dad, not so much Kylo. And then today, someone sent me this..... I had to laugh. I will say that I am very happy to see the long-running script error being called out. Parsecs is a measure of distance, not speed. The quillons are supposed to be power emanating from the main blade so I think he could get badly burned but I don't know if they would cut.