The Influx of Crazies on TF & the logic behind allowing it

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LSUGradin99, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Stacey will protect me. She will not feed me but protection, from Stacey, I seek. :)

    The buoy should be a lil bloated from its big day, you think?
  2. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Well, I'm in if you're in, Cali.
  3. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    I am delighted. :grin:

    In is gooder now. Carry on everyone.
  4. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    me too
  5. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    What I originally said, didn't come out quite right. Some of our top rival fans ARE contributors. But they probably would not have become contributors day one, they had to try the site out, and then decide if they wanted to stay. I think I saw Hawker is a contributor also. The point is if all of us with the way cool personalities are cloistered in a special area, and a compatible way cool rival showed up in the rant area, he may get flamed an not stick around to experience all that is "Tiger Forums"! So that is a potential problem with the "Red Idea".

    And yes, I realize I am now arguing "both sides" of this deal! :hihi:

    So, how do we get great rival posters to stay and hang out here?
  6. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Its a tough situation. I didnt come here Saturday either because I knew the "fire Miles" idiots would be littering the forum with garbage. Even yesterday it was hard to read and although I posted a little it seemed futile with the nut balls running wild.

    Having a contributor forum is a double edged sword because we end up excluding some good posters who arent contributors. We also risk running off potential new members if all they see are tiger dropping type rants and dont have access to more level headed discussion.

    I can tell you this, if I was making a decision to join the board based on what was in the Den today I probably wouldnt be here. I know we want an open forum but the tone of the Den has changed. We were more mature in the past and it was a HUGE reason I ended up deciding to participate here.

    I know Brett doesnt want to have a nazi admin type reputation but maybe we need to curtail the redundant bashing in the Den. Red accurately pointed out that most of it is from newbies who come in to disrupt and then run off. I dont even recognize half the names but many of them post multiple topics or multiple posts containing the same points. Is it possible to just combine all these posts/topics in limited threads? Example, there is 3 different topics on the main page about Miles press conference. 5 topics regarding media outlets talking about the game. 3 topics about Miles integrity. It seems to me many of the threads contain different versions of the same topic. Combining these topics/posts would substantially clean up the board.
  7. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    The issue is, was there any LSU forum anywhere on Saturday night that didn't reflect what was on the Den? Of course not. Like I've said, more than anything right now, the forum is a reflection of the sentiments of the LSU fan base right now. Right or wrong, many Tiger fans are upset with the current direction of the LSU program and that anger is going to be reflected in the forum.

    Now we all know that TigerForums has been the most civil LSU forum for years now. Being one of the top dogs in college football and winning hasn't hurt. For the first real time since we've been online, LSU fans are getting restless and upset.

    I don't blame you if you don't like reading all of the negative, angry posts. I know I don't. When LSU loses, I don't want to have anything to do with college football, ESPN gameday, etc. Unfortunately because of my role here, I have to deal with it anyway. My point is that most of the problem lies with the current state of LSU football than our policies. Controversial calls, poor play/coaching, losses will always bring new people into the fold just as winning and national championships will. We know what time we're in now.

    As many have stated, there are benefits and drawbacks to multiple forums. We could certainly create a Contributor only forum but premium forums tend to create a fragmented community. It's still a possibility. We have the ability for everyone to create their own forums via the Social Groups function but most people don't use it. We could give people the power to moderate/edit their own threads but when people take the time to compose a post only to have it deleted by the thread starter because they don't like it, it would create resentment toward the forum as a whole.

    Considering the current direction of LSU football, we should probably create a "Bitch and Rant" forum where people can vent. Of course I could see where that would turn into a situation where any thread that isn't a sunshine pumping thread would be moved there so where is the line drawn? Right now this seems to be the best solution. We'll also add some new moderators to help keep the vitriol in check.
  8. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I was going to post something similar to your comments. While I don't bother to read the idiotic posts I totally understand the mood of most Tiger fans at this time. I had hoped tht last season was just one of those things much like Florida's 8-5 season after winning he National Championship in 2006 but apparently the program has taken a downward turn this season under CLM.

    Many long time members whether they are contributors or registered guests feel the same way and are going to post their sentiments. Maybe you could set a 25 or 30 or whatever post limit on new members and then review if their post meet the critera of accepability before letting them continue.

    For the record I was a supporter of CLM even though I have questioned his decisions this year about a lot of things but after Saturday I hope that Michigan still wants him and that he takes the job
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The real crazies are loose on game night and the next day. On Monday, some people are still pissed but are mature enough to realize life goes on and they move on. Then there are the TCs, SIUs and, lately, gely and lsu-i-like, who just cannot deal with it like adults and continue to bitch and moan right up to kickoff of the next game. These are the ones that would be removed forever if I had a say.
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  10. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I dont think the negativity of the coaches and team isnt the main issue...we have always had differenting opinions on topics.

    I think what has the people posting here upset are the post that are basically this....."Your an idiot and a dumbass and you need your butt kicked"

    If someone thinks I am an idiot thats fine, there are alot of people that do BUT discuss why you feel that way...this is a discussion board and that is something we have always had right or wrong, agree or disagree we discussed it...and most times to the point of just having to say hey we agree to disagree.

    In the muck of internet forums we were the ape that grabbed the bone and wielded it as a weapon while every other ape was flinging poo.

    Brett I see your point about the rant board and that could turn into what it would be come.

    What about a proabtion period forum basically a new posters Den and if all they wanna do is insult they can stay there and do it, if a new poster is truely a new poster then it will show in his post and then he/she can be given access to the real Den.

    We dont need to lump everyone together but we do need the ability to weed bad seeds out and not all new posters are bad seeds hell we got some old posters that can be idiots sometime...I am one of them! But like I said we have always been able to discuss the fact of weather I am an idiot or not without it coming down to simply hurling insults!
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