This will explain a lot. At least in my house. [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: great post!!!:thumb: That last part happens around my house on a regular basis:hihi:
As he should, not only to help you but it's important for the kids' sake that the father be involved too. As far as the other stuff, the worst scenario is a wife who stays at home, has no kids, and still bitches about being all "Tough". Pretty useless attitude to have. I can tell you that the less those barriers exist, the more comfortable people are with themselves. In a marriage, each does what needs to be done and you don't squabble over "Who's job it is". I just finished unloading the dishwasher and putting a load of clothes in the washing machine while I'm about to cook shrimp etoufee for supper. We got in very late last night from the District Livestock Show and my wife wanted to go to work, despite being tired, and brought my daughter to school for me so I could sleep so I'm doing these things- which she doesn't know I'm doing- to give her some time to rest when she gets home. I'm far from the "Perfect husband" but good begets good in most relationships.
That's absolutely true. Every time my husband points out how good he is about most things, I point out that I wasn't going to marry a caveman. He's pretty self-sufficient, as am I. One thing that works better and better for us as we are together longer is knowing what our collective strengths and weaknesses are. When we work as a team, we are incredible.
Me and my wife have a great relationship. As long as my breakfast is ready before I get out of bed, and my steak is cut into bite sized pieces by the time I get home, I'll keep her around. She missed a spot the last time she cut the grass though.:angryfire But she made up for it by opening my beers for me that evening.
Mine got a little too close to the skin last time she was biting my toenails. She promised it wouldn't happen again.
Proposed Rule: All women on this forum shall not post between 5-8 PM as they will be tending to their tirrrrrrrred husbands that worked all day while the wives did nothing. The wives then must prepare dinner and clean up. Then log into TigerForums.
You do realize that our husbands are jealous enough of Tigerforums as it is? If you actually give us visiting hours, they may have a breakdown--which wouldn't be good for their fragile self-esteem that needs "stroking" (pun intended?) every night...
if you have only three hours for all of that, then obviously, you dont need very long to be "tended to".