You got your Trojan skirt on today? Don't forget your Trojan pumps as well. Ya cant have one without the other!
I don't think I have to shout out anything to get Crip's support. I will leave it at this: He knows where his bread is buttered.
You're not saying it seductivley... Let me try. "I loooooove this white mannnn." :shock: I was only returning the 10 messages you left me. I defer all decisions to Cali. You'll have to speak to my manager. :thumb:
ooooh, tough choice, but you did cowboy-up with me at Tuscaloosa, Starkville, and Atlanta whereas OT was a no-show in New Orleans. Sorry OT, Team Batty it is.....
Sure he will. He really likes your skirt but thinks you can pick some better heels. Some that accent your azz better. :wave: