I must say Cajun, I had my doubts when that song first started. But, I liked it. By the way, and this is completely off topic, but is the most over-used phrase in music "Whereever I lay my head, that is what I call home."
I know I listened to the Geaux Show the night before and I heard you picking on him! Then the masses showed up! What a party! And the Arky game! Great tailgates!
awww c'mon, I was there for all 3 home games before that one. You should have known I was gonna be there.
Guess you are right. Never thought about that, just thought I knew the words once the phrase begins. Makes you wonder who first said it. :huh: Back to cat fightin in da mud.
I know. I always overlook you and take you for granted. I think it is because by the second or third game, you were already like family. End of corny moment.
ok crip. for team batty, we're gonna take a kentwood (or abita) water cooler drum, turn it upside down, put a handle on it, and fill it with your gameday beverage. you in??
Look chumps, you all can bring knives to a gun fight if you want to but OT is taking this thing down. This is your last warning.:thumb: