the main one i remember is the diebold one, and most of the election stuff. of course that stuff wasnt exclusively from democratic underground, but they seemed to be the real nutty zealots, and it seemed to me you were influenced by it.
Still don't see what the point of debating it's legitimacy. If you can bust him, do it. If not, that doesn't mean he's wrong just because you accuse him of plagarism. Debating as to whether or not someone has the intellectual capacity to write what the posted is futile. You don't have to agree with, or even acknowledge the sanity of, someone in order to think they are intelligent. Take Karl Rove. I asbsolutely despise that dude. But I also acknowledge that his strategeies, although shameful and divisive, are quite crafty. He is brilliant at what he does (even though I think he hurt his party in the long run).
i assume you arent talking to me, because i realize rex isnt plagiarizing anything. i do think he is a bit too influenced by wild leftist rantings though. i also think rex tends to get angry at the state of things and is too eager to believe negative things about his political enemies. cc, notice that plagiarism has an "i" after the g. my new rule is that i try not to teach people correct spellings until they make the same mistake repeatedly. it burns my eyes to see repeats. on another note, i just realized i cant go to the sumo championships at madison square garden saturday because i will be at lsu. dang. i had been wanting to go to the sumo thing for months. stupid lsu. but back to the subject. whether we are nation founded by christians with christian principles is sort of beside the point i think. whether we are or we are not, we should realize that we should distance ourselves as much as possible from it. i dont care if the founding fathers were christian. they lived in a time when people were pretty ignorant about the world. they had an excuse. we dont. also i dont really get why religious people themselves arent the first people in line to keep church and state separate. i know i want to keep the government away from my favorite things (baseball for example).
I think you might be surprised ... Abortion Polls You keep talking about people's rights, but yet you don't want the mother to have any rights. I would agree with that on many issues, but not abortion. Allowing individual states to decide would not stop abortion ... people would just seek out those states that allow it. For the record, I don't endorse abortion and would never approve of such in my family. But I don't believe it's a government issue, it's a personal decision. Our tax dollar should not be spent on the abortion issue.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TigerWins again. I wasn't. I think that cuts both ways, though. Many of the neo-cons (here and elsewhere) literally believe that liberals are evil, and will fall for any story or theory that paints such a picture. They even jump at the slightest, most irrational thing, someties. At least most of what Rex writes is original thought. I knew something didn't feel right about the way I spelled it. Thanks.
The abortion issue is very similar to the issue of welfare, as it takes away accountability and responsibility for people's actions (in the case of abortion), and inaction (in the case of welfare). The democratic party has attempted to appeal to certain groups of people who do not want to be held responsible for their own lives for quite some time, this certainly isn't a new concept on their part.
The only protected right that the mother had was getting pregnant. The child has a protected right of living. This mothers' right crap is just that, Crap. But, it's OK for free clinics to provide abortion services to patients? Who pays for that? This is one of my biggest arguments for not having to pay income taxes. I can not stand knowing that the money the feds take from me is being used to fund, in part, all of these free women's clinics.