What nonsense. Most of the Left in this country ARE Christians. They, unlike you, however, have a respect for the true purpose of the Constitution.
Oh, it's out there, rex knows I'm right. That's all that matters. Most of the garbage he post here, he found on one of the many anti Bush and anti Christian forums he spends his days on.
Rex, I think you said in a thread along time ago that Bush lied about the war in Iraq. If its true why don't you and others prove it and get him impeached? Downing Street memos This would save you all this trouble about christians on the Supreme court! I have no problems with crooked politicians being impeached, republican or democrat. I'm tired of these people not representing the people of the USA.
Show me where the constitutions says that abortion should be legal! If most of the left are christians than they would be pro-life and not pro-death. True respect of the constitution, that is why liberals on the supreme court admittedly look at foreign law for answers while striking down the voters who vote against gay marriage for one thing. Try again!
Interesting that you brought up what voters want on the gay marriage issue. Do you realize that the majority of voters think abortion should be legal? Show me where the Constitution outlaws abortion...
I doubt that a majority of voters think abortion should be legal. The point about abortion and the constitution is that its bad law by the Supreme Court just like taking away people's property rights. These issues should be decided by state and not federal government. This is an article from the weekly standard *HOWEVER* it is an article from the *Dallas Morning News*http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/696uwyyv.asp?pg=1 http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/abortion.htm Btw abortion is murder, if a majority of Americans were to vote for it, it is something they and I will have to deal with. I don't like it but if it was voted legal, this is a democracy, I would have to live with it. Planned parenthood is a perfect example, we all pay taxes for this organization and their is nothing we can do about it if we are opposed to it. Once again the Supreme Court gets it wrong, it is bad law.