Ninth Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. You call yourself a Christian?
CParso, like I said: the debate is over. Only a controversy remains because it is fueled by dishonest historical revisionists like saltyone.
Oh, what sort of Christian are you that you would openly and willingly violate the Ninth Commandment? You remind me of a story: "I used to pray for a bicycle, until I figured out God doesn't work that way. So I stole the bicycle and asked for forgiveness."
Oh, he'll try hard to do that. He's going to find the phrase "ratified by the full Senate" in any number of articles dealing with the Treaty of Tripoli, then come back here triumphantly declaring that he's found proof of plagiarism.
It is true that our country was not proclaimed as being a Christian nation by our first leaders. But, before you read too much into that statement, remember that the original settlerlers here were looking for a land where they could practice religious freedom away from the established hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. Their purpose for coming here was based on religion and religious freedom. They were Christians. Our founding fathers, for the most part, were all very open about their religious beliefs and used these beliefs to guide them when framing our constitution and Bill of Rights. History cannot be rewriten or changed. Are we an established Christian nation? No. Our roots are more like an understood Christian establishment. The left is, and has been for quite some time, trying to erase the Christian influence behind our founding fathers intentions. Why? Because it makes them feel better about themselves.
The framers intent on seperation of church and state has been taken way too far. The framers intent was to make sure there was no NATIONAL religion like the Church of England, not to ensure that God was taken off money and out of the Pledge of Alliegence. If that were so, there would be no references to God on any of the original documents or buildings. They just didn't want a national religion that would ultimately rule the country.