The Drone Wars

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUMASTERMIND, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Ukraine changes sides all the time. Now they are having the usual civil war between thrones who favor Russia and the ones who don't.

    You didn't go to the eastern Ukraine did you? The Ukrainians are very split as usual.

    America has never encouraged Ukraine to join NATO. Europe has not asked them to join the EU. They simply are not WesternEuropeans. Half the world would like to be America and Europe but they fall short. They cannot be trusted.

    Of course, but only a child would imagine that we are not also ruthless, overbearing, arrogant, and powerful, pursuing our best national interests.

    So what?
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    They are very split. But a large enough of them are anti Russian enough to overthrow the government. You are correct about eastern Ukraine.

    Eastern Ukraine is like 75% ethnic Russian. I only went to Kiev and Chernobyl, which is north near the border with belarus.

    We are getting off course here, but the point is that Ukraine really has to choose between western/European/American values (superior values) or blackliding into authoritarian Russian nonsense, which some people really enjoy. The point is the United States is unique and represents a historically unique unselfishness and lack of ambition to conquer, but liberate instead, like my man Elon says. There is a right side and a wrong side. It's not a situation where every country is jut looking out for themselves, acting similarly. It's a right and wrong side. Good guys and bad guys. We are the good guys.

    The thing that makes the world so complicated is that people tend to like the bad guys.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I don't always watch professional wrestling, but when I do I root for the bad guys.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Naive semantics. We have invaded and occupied eight countries since WWII. We still have military forces in most of them. There are people there who feel liberated (as long as we stay and pay) and there are those that feel conquered and still fight us.

    You are being very nationalistic and naive. The US is indeed great and noble, but it is also looking out for itself like all countries do. We can be quite ruthless and self-serving and you know it. I can list dozens of examples that you will ignore. As the Roman and British empires have learned before us, greatness goes hand in hand with domineering behavior. People like the best of what the US offers, but they also despise much of how we conduct ourselves. You only have to read something other than self-serving platitudes from Americans about Americans to understand this.

    In your travels, you may have learned something--there are always people with their hands out. They will kiss your ass and shower you with platitudes because they want something. Study the geography, ethnology, and history and politics of these countries and you will soon learn that it is not as superficial and simplistic as "good guys and bad guys."
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The people of South Korea, for example, have the highest opinion of America of any country on earth. These countries we "invaded" cannot be painted with the same brush. South Korea is not our colony. And it's not about our money either, we defend them from evil in the most literal sense. Death camps and forced labor like in the north.

    And Afghanistan, for example, do you think it is an act of imperialism to defend ourselves from al queda. You are implying that the United States is motivated to colonize and conquer, like every other empire was. What makes us unique is that we are not.

    Which of these invasions you describe are imperialism, besides Iraq? (Which wasn't either)
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Generally people that dislike the us are idiots. I know Pakistanis here in New York that dislike America, and I understand they feel like it violates their sovereignty to drone people in Pakistan, but then then they have a chance to come to America they are on it immediately. So believe their actions, not their words.

    Also again it's worth noting that these polls that measure opinions of the us are misleading because we assume competence on the part of the world, when most people are shitheads who elect shitty leaders. Your opinion matters less when you elect Sylvio burlesconi or Putin or Hugo Chavez or whatever prick is running Brazil these days. Again, there are so few countries that are able to have smart enough opinions about politics that they are able to elect any sort of useful government. The Asian tigers, Western Europe that is about it. So if the citizens of Bolivia and Romania are calling us out, they should examine their own ability to run things.

    So just ignore the world when they resent us. They are morons.

    And I am not some sort of patriotic white southerner with the God and guns and bible and murica. i would happily live in Mexico City or Berlin. I would happily shit on an American flag. I am just honest about what the United States is. The best and most noble country that ever existed.

    Enjoy your nfl Sunday.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    There are some very smart countries that disapprove of us including most of our allies. They are smart to be wary of us and not trust us very far. We have a history of rash and

    I'm not talking about polls, I'm talking about governments.

    We always have. It's part of why they resent us.

    You are shamelessly flag-waving and being intellectually dishonest. Like Rome and the British Empire we have great virtues and we conduct our virtuous business with self righteousness, ruthlessness, and coercion. There is no Superpower like us.

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